Frequently Asked Questions

How is electricity used in U.S. homes?

Estimated U.S. Residential Electricity Consumption by End-Use, 2010

End-Use Quadrillion Btu Billion Kilowatthours Share of Total
Space Cooling 1.11 326 22.4%
Lighting 0.71 207 14.2%
Water Heating 0.44 129 8.9%
Refrigeration 0.36 107 7.3%
Color Televisions and Set-Top Boxes 0.34 100 6.8%
Space Heating 0.29 84 5.8%
Clothes Dryers 0.19 54 3.7%
Personal Computers and Related Equipment 0.18 53 3.6%
Furnace Fans and Boiler Circulation Pumps 0.14 41 2.8%
Cooking 0.11 31 2.2%
Dishwashers 1 0.09 27 1.8%
Freezers 0.08 23 1.6%
Clothes Washers 1 0.03 10 0.7%
Other Uses2 0.90 264 18.1%
Total Consumption 4.65 1,363  

1Does not include water heating.

2Includes small electric devices, heating elements, and motors not listed above.

Learn more:

Residential electricity consumption estimates and forecasts by type of end-use, Table 4.

Detailed statistics for residential electricity consumption by type of appliance, in 2001.

Last updated: February 22, 2012

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