Frequently Asked Questions

How many smart meters are installed in the U.S. and who has them?

In 2010,1 663 U.S. electric utilities had 20,334,525 advanced ("smart") metering infrastructure (AMI) installations. About 76% were installed by Investor Owned utilities and about 90% were residential customer installations.

                                                                           Number of AMI Installations by Customer Type

Type & Number of Utilities with AMI   Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Total
Investor Owned 108 13,880,141 1,452,929 24,728 36 15,357,834
Cooperative 342 3,416,336 323,082 27,542 0 3,766,960
Municipal 184 278,198 44,757 2,471 0 325,426
Public & State 29 795,233 84,215 4,826 31 884,305
Totals 663 18,369,908 1,904,983 59,567 67 20,334,525

Advanced metering infrastructure includes meters that measure and record electricity usage at a minimum of hourly intervals and provide the data to both the utility and the utility customer at least once daily. They range from basic hourly interval meters to real-time meters with built-in two-way communication capable of recording and transmitting instantaneous data.

EIA does not have data on natural gas or water meters.

Learn more:

State Policies Drive Growth in Smart Meter Use

Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies

Detailed data on Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) installations for individual utilities in File 8 of the EIA-861 database files.

Other information on smart meter deployments funded by the Smart Grid Investment Grant program under the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009.

1 Year for which most recent data is available.

Last updated: September 20, 2012

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