Frequently Asked Questions

How much energy does a person use in a year?

In 2010, total energy use per person in the U.S. was 317 million British thermal units (Btu). This was about 2.9% more than the 308 million Btu per capita consumed in 2009, and 5.5% less than the 326 million Btu per capita consumption in 2008.

The world per capita consumption of energy1 in 2008 was 81 million Btu.

Historical, annual U.S. energy consumption per capita.

Total energy consumption and population for other countries.

1Includes only coal, electricity, natural gas, and petroleum fuels that are produced and sold in conventional markets. Biomass fuels such as wood and charcoal used for heating and cooking are not included; EIA does not have an estimate for the amount of those fuels consumed in other countries.

Last updated: December 1, 2011

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