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The following publications provide additional information on the adoption process, costs associated with adoptions, and other military-related issues.

Adoption Assistance for Children Adopted From Foster Care, June 2004 Published by the Child Welfare Information Gateway, this factsheet provides an overview of federal Title IV-E adoption assistance, state adoption assistance, and arranging adoption assistance.

Costs of Adopting, June 2004 This factsheet from the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides an overview of the universal expenses, adoption-specific expenses, and resources available to defray costs.

Military Families and Adoption: The Benefits of Using Military Families as Adoptive Resources for Children, December 2010 This publication from the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides an overview of the benefits of having military families adopt children, the challenges of working with military families, and resources available to military families seeking to adopt.

Postadoption Services, March 2006 Published by the Child Welfare Information Gateway, this factsheet provides an overview of the postadoption issues that most families encounter, milestones that may trigger a need for support, types of postadoption services, finding postadoption services, and paying for postadoption services.

Selecting and Working with an Adoption Therapist, August 2005 This factsheet from the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides an overview of professionals who provide mental health services, approaches to therapy, treatment settings, finding the right therapist, and national resource organizations.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Adopting While Living Overseas as a Military Family This publication from Military OneSource lists the necessary steps to complete an adoption, information on domestic and foreign adoptions, as well as additional resources for service members and their families.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Adoption for Military Families This section on Military OneSource provides an overview of the ways for military families to adopt a child to include separate sections detailing adoption options, steps to adoption, challenges military families face, and adoption costs and financing options.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Children in Need of Adoptive Families This publication from Military OneSource defines "waiting children," describes who can adopt a waiting child, provides an overview of costs associated with adoption, and provides procedures for adopting a waiting child.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Completing an Adoption Home Study This publication from Military OneSource provides an explanation of the adoption home study to include when the home study takes place, costs associated with a home study, what happens if the service member lives overseas, what a home study includes, and the home study report.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Exploring Adoption This publication from Military OneSource provides information on children available for adoption, who is eligible to adopt, adoption options, steps to pursue an adoption, an overview of the home study process, how long it may take to adopt, adoption costs, and birth parents' rights.

Understanding the Adoption Process: International Adoption for Military Families This publication from Military OneSource provides an overview of adopting a child from a foreign country to include sections on issues to consider when making the decision to adopt internationally, countries with children available for adoption, steps for completing an international adoption, costs associated with an international adoption, and recommendations for ways to ease the transition after bring a baby home.

Understanding the Adoption Process: Readoption for Children Adopted Internationally This publication from Military OneSource provides an explanation of the adoption finalization and readoption process for internationally adopted children.

Understanding the Adoption Process: The DoD Adoption Reimbursement Program This publication from Military OneSource explains the Department of Defense (DoD) Adoption Reimbursement Program to include an overview of the program, requirements for the program, the application process, and other adoption information.

Wherever My Family Is: That's Home! Adoption Services for Military Families Prepared by a team including representatives of the Health and Human Services Children's Bureau, The Collaboration to AdoptUsKids, The Adoption Exchange, Inc., McKenzie Consulting, Inc., the National Military Family Association, and the American Public Human Services Association, this guide provides a roadmap to make quality and timely adoption services readily available for military families.