U.S. Department of Commerce

Tribal Statistical Areas Program - 2010 Census

Tribal Statistical Area Verification - Winter 2009/2010

The verification phase of the TSAP program for the 2010 Census was the opportunity for TSAP participants to review their statistical area boundaries as they existed in the Census Bureau’s databases following any updates that occurred during the initial submission phase in the winter and spring of 2009.  During the verification phase participants verified or requested changes to their statistical areas and line features using the materials enclosed in the mailings received in February 2010.  Verification materials were provided to a) all participants who submitted a new or updated delineation for their statistical area, b) participants who requested no changes be made to their previously existing area, but to which the Census Bureau made changes to ensure the area met criteria and guidelines, and c) participants who either did not respond or indicated they did not want to participate in the TSAP initially, but later requested to receive verification materials.

In addition, during the verification phase Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANRCs) had the opportunity to review maps of the ANVSA delineations for ANVs contained within their regions.

ANVSA Verification Maps

The verification guidelines for TSAP participants who used either paper or digital verification methods are available for download below.

Participant Verification Guidelines

TSAP Main Page

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