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IAQ Tribal Partners Program

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Programs in Schools

Every child deserves a school that is a safe and healthy place to learn. Yet nearly one-fourth of schools have one or more buildings in need of extensive repair or replacement, and nearly half have been reported to have problems related to indoor air quality (IAQ). Faulty structures place students at risk for exposure to asthma triggers, mold, and other indoor pollutants. Research shows that poor IAQ harms the health and performance of students and staff.

The good news is, we can keep our children healthy at school and ensure they are learning in environments that reflect their true potential. EPA offers the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program, a free resource to support schools seeking to improve their IAQ. Eighty-five percent of schools with an IAQ management plan have used the IAQ Tools for Schools Program to create sustainable, positive change for their students. However, even a few simple actions to improve the IAQ in schools can make a difference in the lives of your community’s students. For information about developing a plan to improve IAQ in your school or school district, check out EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program and Action Kit.

Spotlight: Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is working to address IAQ in schools by helping schools in their implementation of the program and facilitate learning through IAQ training. ITEP offers training workshops for teachers about IAQ, performs building assessments, and gives students internship opportunities in the area of IAQ maintenance and management with tribal environmental professionals. These efforts will help prepare the next generation of IAQ leaders and champions for tribal communities.

This work began when an ITEP member selected IAQ as a theme for a summer program attended by middle and high school level students. The program involved students coming to campus for a week of intensive learning based on an IAQ curriculum developed by Oregon State and was intended to introduce students to career-oriented approaches to a particular problem or issue. It also emphasized the scientific skills of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and added a service component in the form of a short internship program. Students, and tribal professionals serving as student mentors, received training and then visited schools to take basic IAQ measurements.

Though at first students were skeptical of IAQ as a topic, they quickly became interested. Teachers liked the idea of improving their schools and tribal professionals felt the program expanded their skill set.


Get connected with other school stakeholders managing their IAQ

IAQ Tools for Schools Program
The Schools IAQ Connector Listserve makes it easy to connect with your peers, share information, and communicate over e-mail and on the Web. This Listserve gives you the power to connect directly with other school IAQ management stakeholders who are part of the IAQ TfS National Network — from those new to IAQ management to award-winning national experts. As a member of this Listserve, you will have the power to drive the conversation about IAQ management. It’s easy to get involved — start today by sending a blank e-mail message to schools_iaq_connector-subscribe@lists.epa.gov or request subscription online on the Listserve Web interface. Then, check your e-mail inbox for your confirmation and membership details.

IAQ Tools for Schools National Awards Program

Whether you are just beginning to implement the IAQ Tools for Schools Program, or you have a mature, sustainable IAQ Tools for Schools Program in place, you can apply for an award through the EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools National Awards Program. To read about the winners in your area, click on a state within the National Map, and learn how others have created successful IAQ programs or perhaps you can be the first award winner in your state.

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tribal partnership program

Plan Community Programs

We want your input

Have you planned a successful and sustainable community program? If so, we would like to know. Please send us an e-mail at iaqtribal@epa.gov describing the program, and that program could be highlighted on this Web page. We will follow up with the program directly to gather more information and permission to use their story.

Asthma Triggers Carbon Monoxide Community Programs Directory of Tribal Champions Events Calendar Innovative Tribal Programs Learn about IAQ Working with the Media Moisture/Mold Other Pollutants Radon Programs in Schools Secondhand Smoke Wood Smoke Indoor Air Quality

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