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Office of the Assistant Attorney General

Washington Sections

Washington Building Locations

Field Offices

Office of the Assistant Attorney General

Joseph F. Wayland
Acting Assistant Attorney General
3109  MAIN  202-514-2401
FAX:  202-616-2645
Jamillia Ferris
Chief of Staff
3112  MAIN  202-307-1342
FAX:  202-616-2645

Deputy Assistant Attorneys General

Scott D. Hammond
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
3216  MAIN  202-514-3543
FAX:  202-307-9978
Renata B. Hesse
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
3214  MAIN  202-353-1535
FAX:  202-514-6543
Leslie C. Overton
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
3210  MAIN  202-353-4651
FAX:  202-514-6543
Fiona Scott-Morton
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
3121  MAIN  202-514-0731
FAX:  202-514-0306
Joseph F. Wayland
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
3109  MAIN  202-514-1157
FAX:  202-514-0306

Chief Counsel for Competition Policy and Intergovernmental Relations

Terrell McSweeny
Chief Counsel for Competition Policy and Intergovernmental Relations
3114  MAIN  202-307-3302
FAX:  202-616-2645

Special Advisor

Rachel Brandenburger
Special Advisor, International
3115  MAIN  202-514-0711
FAX:  202-616-2645

Director of Litigation

Mark W. Ryan
Director of Litigation
3215  MAIN  202-532-4753
FAX:  202-514-6543

Directors of Enforcement

Patricia A. Brink
Director of Civil Enforcement
3213  MAIN  202-514-2562
FAX:  202-616-7320
Premerger Notification Unit
3335  MAIN  202-514-2558
FAX:  202-514-2363
Marvin N. Price, Jr.
Director of Criminal Enforcement
3211  MAIN  202-307-0719
FAX:  202-307-9978
W. Robert Majure
Economics Director of Enforcement
3209  MAIN  202-307-6341
FAX:  202-514-0306

Chief Counsel for Criminal Litigation

Marc Siegel
Chief Counsel for Criminal Litigation
3123  MAIN  202-514-3543
FAX:  202-307-9978

General Counsel

J. Robert Kramer, II
General Counsel
3220  MAIN  202-514-3543
FAX:  202-616-7320
Belinda A. Barnett
Deputy General Counsel
3311  MAIN  202-616-0955
FAX:  202-307-9978
Nancy M. Olson
Deputy General Counsel
3309  MAIN  202-305-1210
Anne Purcell White
Ethics Officer
11004  LSB  202-514-4773

Chief Counsel for Innovation

Joseph J. Matelis
Chief Counsel for Innovation
3110  MAIN  202-307-0378
FAX:  202-514-6543

Special Counsel for State Relations and Agriculture

Mark B. Tobey
Special Counsel for State Relations and Agriculture
11038  LSB  202-532-4763
FAX:  202-514-9082

Counsel for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Adrienne M. Hahn
Counsel for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
3109  MAIN  202-532-4761
FAX:  202-616-2645


Owen M. Kendler
3112  MAIN  202-305-8376
FAX:  202-616-2645
Mary Beth McGee
3334  MAIN  202-514-1629
FAX:  202-353-8495
Ann M. O'Brien
3217  MAIN  202-514-6213
FAX:  202-307-9978
Courtney L. Weiner
3118  MAIN  202-307-0887
FAX:  202-514-0306
Samuel N. Weinstein
3121  MAIN  202-514-2408
FAX:  202-514-0306


Appellate Section

Catherine G. O'Sullivan, Chief 3222  MAIN  202-514-2413
Robert B. Nicholson, Assistant Chief  3228  MAIN  202-514-2489
John J. Powers, III, Assistant Chief 3226  MAIN  202-514-2414
FAX:  202-514-0536

Competition Policy Section

Ronald Drennan, Chief 9400  LSB  202-307-6603
Jeffrey M. Wilder, Assistant Chief 9404  LSB  202-307-6665
FAX:  202-514-8862

Economic Litigation Section

Norman Familant, Chief 9912  LSB  202-307-6323
Oliver M. Richard, Assistant Chief 9450  LSB  202-307-6591
FAX:  202-307-3372

Economic Regulatory Section

Elizabeth Armington, Chief 3700  LSB  202-307-6332
Vacant, Assistant Chief 3050  LSB  202-307-6603
FAX:  202-514-5847

Executive Office

Thomas D. King, Executive Officer 3026  LSB  202-514-4005
Vicki Ellison, Deputy Executive Officer 3020  LSB  202-514-7305
Linda T. Carter, Chief Information Officer 3654  LSB  202-307-1201
Executive Office FAX:  202-305-3307
Personnel/Budget Unit FAX:  202-514-0580
Fiscal Unit FAX:  202-514-6738
Support Services Unit FAX:  202-514-4958
Information Systems Support Group FAX:  202-307-3413

Foreign Commerce Section

Edward T. Hand, Chief 11000  LSB  202-514-2464
Lynda K. Marshall, Assistant Chief 11004  LSB   202 598 2264
FAX:  202-514-4508

Legal Policy Section

Robert A. Potter, Chief 11700  LSB  202-514-2512
Vacant, Deputy Chief and Special Counsel for Federal-State Cooperation 11050  LSB  202-307-5799
Vacant, Assistant Chief 11702  LSB  202-514-2513
Frances E. Marshall, Special Counsel for Intellectual Property 11040  LSB  202-307-2130
FAX:  202-514-9082

Litigation I Section

Peter J. Mucchetti, Chief 4700  LSB  202-307-0001
Vacant, Assistant Chief 4050  LSB  202-307-0001
FAX:  202-307-5802

Litigation II Section

Maribeth Petrizzi,Chief 8700  LSB  202-307-0924
Dorothy B. Fountain, Assistant Chief 8050  LSB  202-307-0924
FAX:  202-514-9033

Litigation III Section

John R. Read, Chief 4000  LSB  202-616-5935
David C. Kully, Assistant Chief 4004  LSB  202-305-9969
FAX:  202-514-7308

National Criminal Enforcement Section

Lisa M. Phelan, Chief 11400  LSB  202-307-6694
Mark Krotoski, Assistant Chief 11404  LSB  202-598-2294
  FAX:  202-514-6525

Networks and Technology Enforcement Section

James J. Tierney, Chief 7700  LSB  202-307-6640
Vacant, Assistant Chief 7050  LSB  202-616-5924
FAX:  202-616-8544

Telecommunications and Media Enforcement Section

Scott A. Scheele, Chief 7000  LSB  202-616-5924
Lawrence M. Frankel, Assistant Chief 7004  LSB  202-514-4298
FAX:  202-514-6381

Transportation, Energy & Agriculture Section

William H. Stallings, Chief 8000  LSB  202-514-9323
Kathleen O'Neill, Assistant Chief 8004  LSB  202-514-9323
FAX:  202-307-2784

Antitrust Library

Bridget Gilhool LL300  LSB  202-514-5870
FAX:  202-514-9099


MAIN: 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530

LSB: 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20530



Nezida S. Davis, Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

Atlanta See Map


Richard B. Russell Building
75 Spring Street, S.W.
Suite 1176
Atlanta, GA 30303-3308
FAX: 404-331-7110


Marvin N. Price, Jr., Chief
Frank J. Vondrak, Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Western District of Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

ChicagoSee Map

  Rookery Building
209 South LaSalle Street
Suite 600
Chicago, IL 60604-1204
FAX: 312-353-1046


Scott M. Watson, Chief
Vacant, Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Kentucky, Eastern District of Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia.

Cleveland See Map

  Carl B. Stokes U.S. Court House
801 W. Superior Avenue
14th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44113-1857
FAX 216-687-8423


Duncan S. Currie, Chief
Mitchell R. Chitwood, Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arkansas.

Dallas See Map

  1700 Pacific Avenue
Suite 3000
Dallas, TX 75201
FAX: 214-661-8623

New York

Deirdre A. McEvoy, Chief
John W. McReynolds, Assistant Chief
Wendy H. Waszmer, Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Northern New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

New York See Map

  26 Federal Plaza
Room 3630
New York, NY 10278-0004
FAX: 212-335-8021


Robert E. Connolly, Chief
Joseph Muoio, Jr., Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Delaware, Maryland, Southern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Philadelphia See Map

  170 S. Independence Mall West
Curtis Center, Suite 650 West
Philadelphia, PA 19106
FAX: 215-597-8838

San Francisco

Phillip H. Warren, Chief
Peter K. Huston, Assistant Chief

Geographic Coverage:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

San Francisco See Map

  450 Golden Gate Avenue
Room 10-0101
Box 36046
San Francisco, CA 94102-3478
FAX: 415-436-6687

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