U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice 	Programs; National Institute of Justice The Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice ProgramsNational Institute of JusticeThe Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice
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Collection of Evidence

Home > Evidence Handling Procedures > The Crime Scene > Collection of Evidence

The evidence examined by a crime laboratory originates at a crime scene.  It may be identified and collected directly at the scene or through subsequent examination of persons or items related to the crime scene.

Evidence identified and collected directly at a scene may include

  • blood spatters on a wall,
  • equipment and chemicals at a clandestine drug laboratory,
  • cartridge cases at a shooting.

Evidence identified and collected following examination of persons or items taken from the scene may include

  • body fluids from a rape/homicide victim,
  • latent prints on a weapon,
  • hairs and fibers on clothing.

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