U.S. Department of Commerce

Center for Economic Studies (CES)

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Acronyms and Definitions

A – C    |    D – M    |    N – R    |    S – Z   
ACE (or ACES) Annual Capital Expenditures Survey
ACS American Community Survey
ADRF Account and Data Request Form
AES Assets and Expenditures Survey
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AHS American Housing Survey
AR2P Request to Add Researcher
ARTS Annual Retail Trade Survey
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASM Annual Survey of Manufacturers
AUX Auxiliary Establishment
AWTS Annual Wholesale Trade Survey
BDS Business Dynamics Statistics
BES Business Expenditures Survey
BOC Bureau of the Census
BR Business Register (same as SSEL)
BRB Business Register Bridge
BRDIS Business Research & Development and Innovation Survey
CARRA Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications
CCN Census of Construction Industries
CECON Chief Economist
CEN Decennial Census Long Form Sample
CES Center for Economic Studies
CFI Census of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
CFS Commodity Flow Survey
CIR Current Industrial Reports
CMF Census of Manufactures
CMI Census of Mining
CPS Current Population Survey March Supplement
CRM Clearance Request Memo
CRT Census of Retail Trade
CSB Compustat–SSEL Bridge
CSR Census of Services
CSvD Computer Services Division
CUT Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities
CWH Census of Wholesale Trade
DID Data Integration Division
DOC Department of Commerce
DSD Demographic Surveys Division
ECF Employer Characteristics File
EDB Exporter Database
EHF Employment History Files
EPCD Economic Planning and Coordination Division
ESMPD Economic Statistical Methods and Programming Division
ESR Enterprise Summary Report
EXP Foreign Trade Data – Export
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FTD Foreign Trade Division
GAL Geo-coded Address List
GEO Geography Division
HHES Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
HSPD-12 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12
ICF Individual Characteristics File
ILBD Integrated Longitudinal Business Database
IMP Foreign Trade Data – Import
LBD Longitudinal Business Database
LEHD Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics
LFTTD Longitudinal Firm Trade Transaction Database
MCD Manufacturing and Construction Division
MEC (or MECS) Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey
MEPS–IC Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Insurance Component
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey
NES National Employer Survey
NLMS National Longitudinal Mortality Study
NLS National Longitudinal Survey
OCD Ownership Change Database
OSY Office of Security
PACE Survey of Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures
PCU Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization
PD Project Description
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PIK Protected Identification Key
PIO Public Information Office
PMT Potential RDC Methodological Topics
POL Policy Office
PMT Potential RDC Methodological Topics
POP Population Division
PPC Post-Project Certification
PPS Predominant Purpose Statement
QFR Quarterly Financial Report
QPC Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization
QWI Quarterly Workforce Indicators
RAD (or SIRD) Survey of Industrial Research and Development
RDC Reseach Data Center
RHB Researcher Handbook
SAS Service Annual Survey
SBO Survey of Business Owners
SEC Security Office
SEHSD Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SIRD (or RAD) Survey of Industrial Research and Development
SIPP Survey of Income and Program Participation Panels
SMT Survey of Manufacturing Technology
SRD Statistical Research Division
SRT Statistical Research Topics
SSEL Standard Statistical Establishment List
SSL Standard Statistical Establishment List
SSS Special Sworn Status
SSSD Service Sector Statistics Division
SynLBD Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database
T13 Title 13 U.S. Code
T26 Title 26 U.S. Code
TC Thin Client
TCO Telecommunications Office
TCUG Thin Client User Guide
TM Technical Memorandum
U2W Unit to Worker
UPD User Provided Data

 What are Microdata?

Microdata are data at the level of the establishment, firm, individual, or household that are collected through census and survey programs.

 What is the

The Virtual RDC provides access to public use data products and a computing environment that mirrors the Census RDCs.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Center for Economic Studies | (301) 763-6460 | E-mail CES |  Last Revised: August 03, 2012