Post-Employment Service Demonstration and Evaluation, 1994-1999

Project Overview

The Post-Employment Services Demonstration and Evaluation project was designed to test whether the provision of additional services, including extended case management and temporary financial supports, promote job retention and advancement or, when jobs are lost, rapid reemployment among newly employed welfare recipients. The evaluation included experimental impact analyses based on random assignment of individuals to regular services that were available under the JOBS program and to enhanced services provided under the demonstration, which extended beyond the time period allowed by JOBS policies. The evaluation was conducted in four demonstration sites. Data on implementation, operations and impacts were obtained from field observations, administrative records, and client surveys.

The key questions examined include: (1) were the programs successful in helping people keep their jobs longer or maintain attachment to the labor force; (2) did the programs help increase employment and earnings; (3) did the programs reduce AFDC and food stamp benefits received; and (4) did programs increase self-sufficiency?

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