Quality Rating Systems (QRS) Assessment Project, 2008-2011

Project Overview

The project will create resources for States regarding the evaluation of child care quality rating systems (QRSs), systems that have been put in place to measure, monitor, and promote high-quality child care. The project has five goals: (1) to provide descriptive and comparative information as well as evaluation evidence regarding QRS through the development of a compendium on QRS; (2) to conduct an in-depth, comparative, multi-case study of selected QRS and efforts to evaluate their effectiveness; (3) to conduct a comprehensive secondary analysis of data from existing evaluations of QRS; (4) to produce a paper that synthesizes and evaluates the information from both the case studies and the secondary data analysis; and (5) to develop a toolkit that will act as a resource for states regarding best practices in the evaluation of QRS.

The point of contact is Ivelisse Martinez-Beck.

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