Design Options for Home Visiting Evaluation (DOHVE), 2010-2015

Project Overview

Through a provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program was created to improve health and developmental outcomes for at-risk children through evidence-based home visiting programs.

The Design Options for Home Visiting Evaluation (DOHVE) project supports the MIECHV program and includes two key components: (1) the development of design options for conducting a national evaluation of programs funded through the MIECHV Program; and (2) the provision of technical assistance (TA) to MIECHV grantees on (a) research and evaluation, (b) benchmarks, (c) data systems, and (d) continuous quality improvement. 

In addition, DOHVE works collaboratively with other MIECHV TA providers, including the Technical Assistance Coordinating Center (TACC), the Tribal Evaluation Institute (TEI), and the Tribal Home Visiting Technical Assistance Center (Tribal Home VisTA).

The DOHVE contract was awarded to MDRC and its subcontractors James Bell Associates, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and a number of academic consultants.  DOHVE is led by ACF in collaboration with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

For information about the design options or the national evaluation, please contact Lauren Supplee. 

For information about DOHVE TA activities, please contact Nancy Geyelin Margie.

To access DOHVE TA resources, see