U.S. Department of Justice

Criminal Justice Interventions for Offenders with Mental Illness: Evaluation of Mental Health Courts in Bronx and Brooklyn, New York. Final Report

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jul. 16, 2012

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  • Criminal Justice Interventions for Offenders with Mental Illness: Evaluation of Mental Health Courts in Bronx and Brooklyn, New York

ANNOTATION: “The goal of the current study is to determine if participation in mental health court reduces subsequent criminal justice involvement--namely, recidivism as measured by new arrests and new convictions” (p. 2). The report is a measure that other agencies can use in determining the effectiveness of their own mental health court programs. Six chapters comprise this work: study context and literature review; evaluation design and methods; Bronx and Brooklyn Mental Health Court programs and business-as-usual; impact analysis and findings by specific court for the development of comparison groups, whether mental health court reduces recidivism, the explanation for recidivism, and the time it takes to re-offend; cost-benefit analysis; and what has been learned from this evaluation and the implications for policy, practice, and the future. The impact of the mental health courts on re-arrests was marginal with no perceived effect on re-convictions.

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