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Partnering With Us

A key objective of the NAWCAD Strategic plan is to establish and leverage partnerships and alliances to meet customer needs. The NAWCAD partnering organizations include Naval Systems Commands, joint services, Department of Defense and federal agencies, Combatant Commanders, foreign military relationships, industry, and academic institutions.

In support of this strategic objective, this Command has established the NAWCAD Business and Partnership Office to actively promote partnerships and agreements between the NAWCAD and external customers in support of the Warfighter. Partnerships and agreements are pursued in accordance with Federal Technology Transfer legislation and policies.

Buying Products and Services from NAWCAD

The Commercial Service Agreement (CSA) Program allows industry to leverage NAWCAD’s extensive research, development, test & evaluation labs and facilities.  This Agreement is a type of contract whereby NAWCAD facilities can be directly paid by industry to perform services that are unique to the laboratory and not commercially available elsewhere. NAWCAD can provide extensive ranges, facilities, and technical expertise to allow industry to capitalize on public investments of unique capabilities. 

Click here for additional information on our Commercial Service Agreement (CSA) FAQ page

Acquiring Technology from NAWCAD

All federal laboratories are directed by federal law to establish technology transfer programs to enhance our nations industrial base and strengthen our economy. Technology transfer is the business of transferring technology originally developed at Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) to other government laboratories, government contractors, commercial entities, or academia. Technology transfer requires a proactive effort to cooperatively team with companies for the purpose of promoting their use of commercially viable technology previously developed at NAWCAD or joining with them in collaborative development of technology currently under investigation at NAWCAD. 

Click here for information on Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Training

Technology transfer agreements and processes can take several forms such as:

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA)

A CRADA is a written agreement between one or more federal laboratories and one or more non-federal parties under which the Government, through its laboratories, provides personnel, facilities, equipment or other resources with or without reimbursement (but not funds to non-federal parties). The non-federal parties provide funds, people, services, facilities, equipment, or other resources to conduct specific research or development efforts that are consistent with the agency's mission.

Patent License Agreement (PLA)

Patent License Agreements license commercial companies to exploit patented government-developed technology commercially. The government retains the rights to use the technology for government purposes.

Selling Products and Services to NAWCAD

Long Range Acquisition Forecasting

NAVAIR's Long Range Acquisition Forecast (LRAF), covering FY10,11 & 12, is available under the Procurement Forecast section of the "Presentations" link (or click on the heading title above to access). NAVAIR's LRAF creates a demand signal visible to a wider range of industry and should contribute to better support of our requirements including the distinct prospect of fostering increased competition.

Click here for the Pax River LRAF Information

Click here for the Lakehurst LRAF Information

Click here for the Orlando LRAF Information

Improving the Acquisition Process

Acquisition Improvement Team (AIT)

The NAWCAD Government-Industry Acquisition Improvement Team (AIT) has been in existence for over a decade. Its purpose has been and still is to help improve the procurement process. The AIT has a steering committee made up of decision makers from the Government and private industry so that issues that affect the Government Technical Users, the Government Procurement Professionals, and Private Industry can be analyzed from the different perspectives for improvement suggestions. 

Government /Industry Aquisition Improvement Team Overview Brief 2010

NAWCAD Partnerships

Educational Partnership Agreement (EPA)

A formal agreement between a federal agency or agencies and an educational institution to transfer and/or enhance technology applications and provide technology assistance for all levels of education (pre-kindergarten and up).

Click on the above EPA link for student employment & educational opportunity announcements!

National Defense Education Program (NDEP)

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division is committed to enhancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in area schools to provide students and educators real-world examples of classroom lessons. The Education Outreach Office was established in June 2007 at Patuxent River to mobilize efforts to place engineers and scientists in area classrooms to provide students hands on, real-world experiences to reinforce classroom lessons, and inspire students to pursue STEM careers. The office facilitates collaboration among scientists, engineers, technical artisans and teachers to create unique programs, or to assist educators in other classroom events. The Patuxent River Naval complex is the largest employer in St. Mary's County.