Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Impact Study, 2011-2015

Project Overview

The HPOG Impact Study is being designed to demonstrate how variations in program services affect program impacts. The literature on promising and innovative Career Pathway programs, especially in health care, is quite limited. As such, the HPOG Impact Study will fill a void in the sectoral training and career pathways literature both about program effectiveness and about which types of programs or program components are most effective. Key evaluation questions that will be addressed in the study include:

  1. What impacts do HPOG programs have on outcomes of interest?
  2. To what extent to these impacts vary by subgroups of interest?
  3. To what extent does HPOG program participation (in particular components, with particular dosage) have an impact on outcomes of interest?
  4. To what extent do various HPOG program models or components have varying impacts?
  5. To what extent do specific program enhancements have impacts, relative to the “standard” HPOG program?
  6. How does parental participation in various HPOG program models and components affect outcomes for children?

This work is being conducted through a contract to Abt Associates and its subcontractor the Urban Institute.

The points of contact are Molly Irwin and Hilary Forster.