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Filing Documents Pertaining to Dam Safety and Inspections

Some documents pertaining to the Commission's Dam Safety & Inspection program (D2SI) contain only public information and some only CEII. In general, D2SI documents are not filed with a claim of privilege.

  • Public - In general, narratives such as general descriptions of facilities and processes are public. However, if there are specific engineering, design or operational details of a critical infrastructure in narrative form, the information may be CEII or privileged.

  • CEII - CEII is limited and includes engineering, security, and detailed design information about proposed or existing critical infrastructure. Examples of CEII include detailed drawings and specifications, dam safety and technical reports, emergency action plans, hazard classification, construction design reports, public safety plans, and extreme event reports.

Brooks Carter, Filing Procedure Information
Telephone: 202-502-8145
Email: brooks.carter@ferc.gov

Jeffrey Kaplan, Legal Contact
General & Administrative Law
Telephone: 202-502-8788
FAX No.: 202-208-0056
Email: jeffrey.kaplan@ferc.gov


Updated: June 28, 2010