U.S. Department of Justice

Today’s Police and Sheriff Recruits: Insights from the Newest Members of America’s Law Enforcement Community

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Nov. 22, 2010

Library ID

  • 024758

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  • 2010
  • 144 pages

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  • Today’s Police and Sheriff Recruits: Insights from the Newest Members of America’s Law Enforcement Community

ANNOTATION: “Survey questions pertain to recruits’ reasons for pursuing a career in law enforcement, potential disadvantages of such a career, influencers on a career in law enforcement and employment within the recruits’ chosen agency, and the perceived effectiveness of both actual and potential recruiting strategies” (p. xiii). Five chapters comprise this report: introduction; perceived pros and cons of law enforcement careers; who and what influences recruits’ career decisions; recruiting strategies; and conclusions and recommendations. The primary reasons recruits’ choose the law enforcement field are job security and the chance to help the community.

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