Compilations of Historic Documents

These documents, also known as Downey Books, contain a chronological set of documents pertinent to the legislative development of law, such as congressional debates, legislative bulletins, and reference materials.

Laws & Regulations

Compilation of the Social Security Laws contains the full text of the Social Security Act of 1935, as Amended, and selected provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

All Social Security Regulations are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 20, Parts 400-499 - Federal regulations for the Social Security Administration and Social Security programs.

Congressional Inquiries Guide

SSA publishes the Congressional Inquiries Guide (Guide) to assist congressional offices with Social Security-related issues. The Guide contains an overview of SSA, descriptions of various aspects of the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs and useful SSA points of contact. It is available in printed and compact disk versions.

The Guide is produced for Congressional office use only. Click here to make a request.