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A silhouette of an Oak leaf with a slight inner shadow effect. Environmental Excellence Awards logo

2005 Environmental Excellence Awards

A collage of various leaves overlapping each other with a slight drop shadow.
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Excellence in Environmental Streamlining
The Oregon Bridge Replacement Environmental Stewardship Program

Excellence in Scenic Byways
North Carolina's Scenic Byways Program

Excellence in Air Quality Improvement
SouthWest Station, Minnesota

Excellence in Cultural and Historical Resources
New Jersey Route 29 Tunnel/South Riverwalk Project

Excellence in Ecosystems, Habitat and Wildlife
Fisheries-Hydroacoustics Mitigation for San Francisco Bay Bridges/Bioacoustics Workgroup

Excellence in Environmental Research
North Carolina's Department of Transportation Environmental Research Program

Excellence in Livable/Sustainable Communities
Central Artery/Tunnel Project, Massachusetts

Excellence in Wetlands, Watersheds and Water Quality
Reconstruction of New York Route 25 in Greenport, New York

Excellence in Nonmotorized Transportation
Reedy Creek Greenway System, North Carolina

Excellence in Roadside Resource Management and Maintenance
Berthoud Pass Mountain Access Project, Colorado

Excellence in Environmental Leadership
Mr. William Ruediger

Judge's Honorable Mention for Environmental Excellence
White River Bridge Repair, Arkansas
New York Avenue Station, District of Columbia
Indian Street Bridge Study, Florida
Mill Ruins Park, Minnesota

2005 Environmental Excellence Awards Judges

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