U.S. Department of Justice

Chemical Dependency Program Evaluation

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jun. 02, 2008

Library ID

  • 023100

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  • 2008
  • 28 pages.

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ANNOTATION: The efficacy of Minnesota Department of Corrections chemical dependency (CD) treatment as measured by recidivism rates is examined. Sections contained in this report are: executive summary; introduction; literature review; data and methods; results for predictors of a successful CD treatment outcome, recidivism rates by CD outcome and program duration, impact of CD program participation on recidivism, and impact of medium- and long-term CD treatment in recidivism; and conclusion. Participants who successfully completed the program have felony reconviction rates of 15% and reincarnation rates of 8% compared to non-participants' rates of 19% and 12% respectively.

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