U.S. Department of Justice

Adult Felony Workload Study: 2006-2007

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jul. 22, 2008

Library ID

  • 023195

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  • 2008
  • 18 pages.

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ANNOTATION: The workload of Minnesota's community supervision agents is examined. Sections of this report are: research summary and policy implications; background; methodology; results for supervision level time (supervision level final workload time and current workloads standards) and task time (new client final workload time, pre-sentence investigation task final workload time, pre-plea worksheet and bail/bond study tasks final workload time, cognitive skills tasks final workload time, and current task standards); and conclusions. Sample forms include: Weekly Case-Specific Agent Time Study; New Felony Client Time Study; PSI (Pre-Sentence Investigation) Felony Time Study; Pre-Bail/Bond Time Study; Cognitive Skills Time Study; and Group Preparation Time Study.

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