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Human impacts
The effects, intentional or unintentional, beneficial or harmful, direct or indirect, which human activities have upon the environment and living things.
Land use change (18 items)
Mining hazards (10 items)
Overfishing (3 items)
Overgrazing (1 items)
Abandoned mines and quarries (5 items)
Waste treatment and disposal (23 items)
Dredging (1 items)
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Results 11 - 20 of 103 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF A new tool to assess groundwater resources in the Mississippi embayment [More info]
Mathematical model of the groundwater system in this area includes 13 types of data and spans multiple aquifers over more than a century. This enables us to assess the quantity of groundwater, where and how it is being used, and how pumping affects it.
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) [More info]
Homepage of the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) initiative programs supporting actions to remedy contaminations associated with hard rock mining. Includes data from the Upper Animas River and Boulder River, bibliography of reports, and pictures.
Amargosa Desert research site [More info]
Online reports, site description and photographs of the Amargosa Desert research site monitoring low level radioactive waste.
Amphibian declines and deformities [More info]
Amphibian population declines and deformities due to various causes including land use change, viruses, and fungi. Links to USGS press releases, answers to FAQs (HTML and PDF versions) and photos with downloadable files.
An evaluation of the science needs to inform decisions on Outer Continental Shelf energy development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Alaska [More info]
We need refined regional understanding of climate change, effective oil-spill risk assessment, preparedness, and response, an analysis of cumulative effects (natural and human), better geospatial data for the area, in an integrated approach.
An overview of coastal land loss with emphasis on the southeastern United States [More info]
Comprehensive background information on coastal land loss, discussing the influence of waves and storms, the intrinsic characteristics of the shoreline materials, and the role of human activities.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [More info]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Animal feeding operations, effects on hydrologic resources and the environment: proceedings [More info]
Papers from a 1999 symposium on the possible effects on water resources and the environment of large agricultural feeding operations for pigs, chickens, and cattle, with links to other meetings, bibliography, and research studies. (Also as PDF files)
PDF Anticipated effects of development on habitat fragmentation and movement of mammals into and out of the Schoodic District, Acadia National Park, Maine [More info]
Wildlife you see in a national park or other reserved area don't know about the park boundary. Bobcat, martens, mink, and moose need different types of living space and habitat. Development outside the park affects their ability to inhabit the park.
PDF Assessing effects of energy development in Colorado and New Mexico [More info]
Outlines information needed to enable effective local decision making regarding the installation, siting, and effects of energy resource facilities.
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