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Types of Special Pays

Dental Corps
Medical Corps
Medical Service Corps
Nurse Corps

Dental Corps Special Pays

Variable Special Pay (VSB): is an entitlement for Dental Corps officers serving on active duty for periods of at least 1 year.

Board Certified Pay (BCP): is an entitlement for Dental Corps officers who are board certified in a dental specialty.

Additional Special Pay (ASP): is an entitlement for Dental Corps officers who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 1 year.

Dental Officer Multi-Year Retention Bonus (DOMRB): is a discretionary bonus given to Dental Corps officers intended to alleviate the most severe shortfalls in dental specialties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. What is BCP?

A. An entitlement for Dental Corps officers, who are board certified in a dental specialty recognized by the American Board of Dental Specialties, or Board Certification Equivalency. BCP is paid monthly at the following annual rates.

Q. What is VSP?

A. VSP is an automatic entitlement for Dental officers serving on active duty for periods of at least 1 year. Payments are based on years of credible service and received monthly.

Q. What is ASP?

A. ASP is an entitlement for Dental Corps officers who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 1 year as computed from the effective date of the ASP agreement.

Q. What is DOMRB?

A. DOMRB is a discretionary bonus to Dental Corps officers intended to alleviate the most severe shortfalls in dental specialties. This bonus is additive to all other dental officer special pays.


Medical Corps Special Pays

Variable Special Pay (VSB): is an entitlement for Medical Corps officers serving on active duty for periods of at least 1 year.
Board Certified Pay (BCP): is an entitlement for Medical Corps officers who are board certified in a medical specialty. 
Additional Special Pay (ASP): is an entitlement for Medical Corps officers who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 1 year. 
Incentive Special Pay (ISP): is a discretionary bonus given to Medical Corps officers intended to assist in alleviating shortages of medical officers who meet specified criteria. 
Multi-year Special Pay (MSP): is a discretionary bonus given to Medical Corps officers intended to alleviate the most severe shortfalls in medical specialties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. What is the Health Professional Pay Entry Date?

Health Professional Pay Entry Date (HPPED) is the date used to determine years of active service for purposes of calculating medical special pay entitlements. HPPED is computed by backdating the professional service date (PSD) by the amount of service credited for medical or dental internship and residency not on active duty.

Q. What is VSP?

A. VSP is an automatic entitlement for Medical officers serving on active duty for periods of at least 1 year. Payments are based on years of credible service and received monthly.

Q. What is BCP?

A. BCP is an entitlement for medical officers who are board certified in a medical specialty recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialties, or has attained Board Certification Equivalency.

Q. What is ASP?

A. ASP is entitlement for Medical Corps officers who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 1 year as computed from the effective date of the ASP agreement.

Q. What is MSP?

A. MSP is a discretionary bonus given to Medical Corps officers intended to alleviate the most severe shortfalls in medical specialties. This bonus is additive to all other medical officer special pays.

Q. What is ISP?

A. ISP is a discretionary bonus given to Medical Corps officers intended to assist in alleviating shortages of medical officers who meet specified criteria.


Medical Service Corps Special Pays

Diplomate Pay for Psychologists and Board Certified Pay for Non-Physician Health Care Providers(BCP) is a bonus paid to Medical Service Corps officers who have a post baccalaureate degree in the providers specialty and certified by a professional board.

Optometry Retention Bonus (ORB): is a discretionary pay not an entitlement, paid to Medical Service Corps officers who are licensed Optometry Officers. 

Pharmacy Officer Special Pay (POSP): is a discretionary pay not an entitlement, paid to Medical Service Corps officers who are licensed Pharmacy Officers.


Nurse Corps Special Pays

Board Certified Pay for Nurse Corps Providers (BCP): is a bonus awarded to Nurse Corps officers who have a post baccalaureate degree in the providers specialty and certified by a professional board.

CRNA ISP GUIDANCE:  is a discretionary bonus given to qualified Nurse corps officers who are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) and who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 1 year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. What is BCP?

A. BCP is paid to Nurse Corps officers on active duty who are certified in a nursing specialty.

Q. What is CRNA-ISP?

A. CRNA-ISP is a special pay for certified registered nurse anesthetists who agree to remain on active duty for a period of not less than 12 months.


Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA. 22042-5113 Phone: 703-681-9025
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