U.S. Department of Justice

Letter to Bureau of Prisons Director Lappin Regarding "Grossly Inadequate Conditions" in the Federal Death Row at United States Prison Terra Haute

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Nov. 06, 2008

Library ID

  • 023378


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  • 2008
  • 30 pages.

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  • Letter to Bureau of Prisons Director Lappin Regarding "Grossly Inadequate Conditions" in the Federal Death Row at United States Prison Terra Haute

ANNOTATION: Potential violations of the Eighth Amendment's proscription against cruel and unusual punishment occurring at the Special Confinement Unit (SCU) at USP-Terre Haute are described. Sections of this complaint are: evidence of deliberate indifference to serious medical needs -- provision of health care (i.e., response to medical emergencies, access to acute care and sick call, referrals to specialists, care for prisoners with diabetes, medications, infectious disease, preventive health care, and documentation); failure to provide mental health care; dental care; and noise.

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