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You are here: Topics > Biological and physical processes
Atmospheric and climatic processes
Phenomena affecting or occurring within the mass of gases that surrounds the earth, including its physics, chemistry, dynamics, and weather conditions.
Evaporation (4 items)
Atmospheric circulation (4 items)
Atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (9 items)
Climate change (68 items)
Droughts (31 items)
Ocean-atmosphere interaction (7 items)
Precipitation (atmospheric) (32 items)
Storms (40 items)
Wind (2 items)
Greenhouse effect (2 items)

Weather monitoring (50 items)
Weather observations (50 items)
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Results 31 - 40 of 165 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Quantifying effects of climate change on the snowmelt-dominated groundwater resources of northern New England [More info]
Planned analysis of the sensitivity of groundwater levels to changes in air temperature and precipitation. Changes in groundwater recharge and discharge also will be correlated with other hydrologic indicators.
PDF Regional climate change--Science in the Southeast [More info]
Research projects intended to create regional and national data that conform to conditions predicted by general circulation models, so that land and wildlife managers can understand the likely consequences of climatic changes in their areas of study.
PDF Response of lake chemistry to atmospheric deposition and climate in selected Class I wilderness areas in the western United States, 1993-2009 [More info]
Sulfate deposition to high-elevation areas has decreased here as a result of reductions in SO2 emissions. Nitrate deposition did not change, whereas ammonium deposition increased, particularly at sites near urban and agricultural areas.
PDF Science Goals of the U.S. Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science Center [More info]
A list of research topics we expect to undertake, with a short statement for each one explaining the rationale and benefit of pursuing that goal.
PDF Terrestrial essential climate variables (ECVs) at a glance [More info]
Explains 16 distinct types of scientific information that are needed to understand climate change, including the specific parameters measured, why they are needed, who measures them, and the type and amount of information that are not yet available.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [More info]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
PDF U.S. Department of the Interior South Central Climate Science Center [More info]
Explains the goals and strategies to be pursued by this organizational unit of the USGS along with partners and stakeholders.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Black Earth Creek Basin, Wisconsin [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Cathance Stream Basin, Maine [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Clear Creek Basin, Iowa [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
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