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Image collections
Visible representations of objects produced by optical or spectral instruments or cameras.

Aerial photos (18 items)
Air photos (18 items)
Orthoimagery (18 items)
Orthophotographs (18 items)
AVHRR images (5 items)
Landsat images (8 items)
Aerial photographs (18 items)
Photographs (29 items)
Scientists-at-work photographs (2 items)
Remote-sensing data (26 items)
Remote-sensing images (26 items)
Satellite images (26 items)

Results 1 - 10 of 102 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Landsat Data Continuity Mission [More info]
Main site for Landsat missions, which provide information about land surface features of the earth. Includes imagery, links to general and technical information, ordering of data, and partners.
Planetary Data Systems (PDS) Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image collection [More info]
Planetary Data Systems (PDS) Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) image collection with available images in decompressed JPEG format, raw data available by FTP access, web graphical images, and link to NASA's Map-a-Planet.
USGS image collections [More info]
Homepage to access a large number of photograph collections on many subjects including national parks, ecosystems, plants and animals, and geologic features.
PDF Declassified Intelligence Satellite Photographs [More info]
Over 990,000 photos taken from 1959 through 1980 are available for use in studying land surface change. Especially useful because these were taken before Landsat was launched.
Earthshots, satellite images of environmental change [More info]
Satellite images of geographic areas of interest, cities, deserts, glaciers, geologic features, disaster areas, water bodies, and wildlife linked with articles, maps, and other images such as AVHRR, photographs, and special project images.
Hurricane Katrina photographs August 30, 2005 [More info]
Photographic survey of the impacts of Hurricane Katrina on the barrier islands, barrier shoreline, and the Mississippi River Delta along the Louisiana coastline. Primary focus is on the ecosystems such as fish, rookeries, and seagrass beds.
Photographs of the Picher Mining District (Ottawa County, Oklahoma) [More info]
Description and photos related to the Picher Mining District in Oklahoma, once a primary U.S. source of lead and zinc and now the largest superfund site in the U.S. with millions of cubic yards of mine tailings (locally known as "chat") remaining.
LandsatLook images [More info]
Describes the source, kinds, format, possible uses, and limitations of LandsatLook images generated from Landsat satellite data.
Multibeam mapping of selected areas of the outer continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico: data, images, and GIS [More info]
Report provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, FGDC-compliant metadata, and GIS data from the 2002 surveys and 1997 USGS surveys of the Gulf.
View USGS maps and aerial photo images online [More info]
Links to selected partner sites where USGS maps and aerial photo images may be viewed with a web browser.
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