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USGS - science for a changing world

Human Capital Services and Support

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Workplace COnflict REsolution (CORE) PLUS Program

The Workplace Conflict Resolution initiative provides Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services such as mediation, facilitation, and consultation through the COnflict REsolution (CORE) PLUS Program. Any employee, supervisor, and manager who wants to address and resolve interpersonal conflicts and disputes may directly and confidentially access our CORE services.

CORE services include:


CORE helps individuals and teams:

  • Work more effectively together as supervisors, employees, managers, and co-workers
  • Break down communication barriers that contribute to conflict in the work environment
  • Learn how to handle difficult conversations, such as those concerning performance, staff relationships, work assignments, evaluations, and awards
  • Overcome communications or personality differences that create teamwork challenges
  • Address the interpersonal stresses and strains within and between teams

What can you expect:

Articles of Interest:

  • bulletBullying in the Workplace (PDF)
  • bullet"Bullying at Work" (PDF)

  CORE Specialist
 Contact Us
  • CADR Reston, VA:
    Fax: 703-648-7489
  • CADR Norcross, GA:

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 02-Oct-2012 11:11:47 EDT