Lithuanian-led PRT conducted air patrol to Chahar Sadah district

2012/03/21 • Comments
 OF-1 Tomas Pakalniskis
Public Information Officer Lithuanian Army
Regional Command-West Public Affairs 


An Afghan Air Force crew chief and Lithuania Air Force crew chief, Staff Sgt. Albertas Lapavicius, look out the door of a Mi- 17 helicopter. A coalition aircrew of Afghan, U.S. and Lithuanian airmen from the Kandahar Air Wing, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, transported passengers traveling from remote locations throughout Afghanistan during an operational sling load mission. (Photo by Senior Airman Jessica Lockoski)

An Afghan Air Force crew chief and Lithuania Air Force crew chief, Staff Sgt. Albertas Lapavicius, look out the door of a Mi- 17 helicopter. (Photo by Senior Airman Jessica Lockoski)

Ghor, Afghanistan, (March 11th, 2012) – On March 9, PRT-14 carried out an air patrol to Chahar Sadah, Kupri village in the Ghor province, Afghanistan.

The patrol was conducted by PRT-14 Col. Eligijus Senulis, civil element leader Jurgis Stanaitis, USAID representative David Smith and Ghor Provincial Council members.

The PRT-14 delegation in Kupri village opened a newly built school, met with the rural community and district leaders, and discussed security and development situations in the countryside and around the area.

At the school opening ceremony, Commander PRT-14 stressed international community attention on the district’s development and wished to continue close cooperation on other critical infrastructure projects.

About 300 families live in Kurpi village, with around 400 school-age children, so a new primary school is important for the upcoming new school year. Four teacher are assigned to the school.  They work with students in places not adapted for teaching.

Deputy Administrator Mirza Ibrahim pointed out that international development assistance has enabled local people to secure better living conditions.

Afghan Air Force crew chiefs assigned to the Kandahar Air Wing, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, rig and secure cables used for a sling load operation, at Forward Operating Base Eagle, Zabul province, Afghanistan. (Photo by Senior Airman Jessica Lockoski)

Afghan Air Force crew chiefs assigned to the Kandahar Air Wing, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, rig and secure cables used for a sling load operation, at Forward Operating Base Eagle, Zabul province, Afghanistan. (Photo by Senior Airman Jessica Lockoski)

He said the district supports the efforts of international forces and their activities, as well as the Afghan central and provincial authorities and opposes rebels actions because they realize the damage they cause.

Currently, PRT-14, which is formed on the basis of the Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces 5th territorial unit Vytis Military District, is deployed to the Ghor Province.

The Lithuanian-led Ghor Provincial Reconstruction Team is a joint civilian-military mission, part of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, which started functioning in Ghor Province in the summer of 2005. The PRT’s task is to support the central government in expanding its authority throughout the province, providing security and stability and establishing proper conditions for the reconstruction of the province. The PRT composition also includes military and civilian personnel from Georgia, Japan, America, Poland, Finland, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

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