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Uranium Marketing Annual Report

With Data for 2011  |  Release Date:  May 2, 2012  |  Next Release Date: May 2013 | full report

Previous uranium marketing annual reports

Table 5. Average price and quantity for uranium purchased by owners and operators of U.S. civilian nuclear power reactors by pricing mechanisms and delivery year, 2010-2011
dollars per pound U3O8 equivalent; thousand pounds U3O8 equivalent
Pricing Mechanisms Domestic 1 Purchases Foreign 2 Purchases Total Purchases
  2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
Contract-Specified (Fixed and Base-Escalated) Pricing
Weighted-Average Price 42.03 53.48 45.75 56.20 43.78 54.86
Quantity with Reported Price 10,783 11,597 9,557 11,928 20,341 23,525
Spot-Market Pricing
Weighted-Average Price 46.44 51.56 51.51 57.72 50.32 55.57
Quantity with Reported Price 1,433 2,931 4,667 5,494 6,100 8,425
Other Pricing
Weighted-Average Price 52.02 54.37 55.37 57.06 54.69 56.48
Quantity with Reported Price 4,004 4,854 15,615 17,505 19,620 22,359
All Pricing Mechanisms
Weighted-Average Price 44.88 53.41 51.69 56.87 49.29 55.64
Quantity with Reported Price 16,220 19,381 29,839 34,927 46,060 54,308
Total Quantity 16,220 19,760 30,362 35,071 46,582 54,831
1 A uranium purchase of both U.S. origin uranium or from a firm located in the United States.
2 A uranium purchase of foreign-origin uranium from a firm located outside of the United States.
Notes: Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Weighted-average prices are not adjusted for inflation.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration: Form EIA-858 "Uranium Marketing Annual Survey" (2010-2011).