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Energy Market and Economic Impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Errata as of August 5, 2009

The sentences referring to household consumption in Key Findings in the Executive Summary and Real GDP and Consumption Impacts section should read:

Consumption and energy bill impacts can also be expressed on a per household basis in particular years. In 2020, the reduction in household consumption is $134 (2007 dollars) in the ACESA Basic Case, with a range of $30 to $362 across all main ACESA Cases. In 2030, household consumption is reduced by $339 in the ACESA Basic Case, with a range of $157 to $850 per household across all main ACESA cases.

Figure 33. Household Consumption Cost in ACESA Main Cases should be 2007 dollars not billion 2007 dollars


Errata as of August 19, 2009

The sentence on page 32 referring to the increase in 2030 household energy expenditures should read:

In 2030, the increased costs to households range from $282 to $1,870 across the ACESA main cases.

The sentences referring to the modeling of commercial building codes at the bottom of page 57 in Appendix B should read:

Building Codes (Section 201)

The building code efficiency improves by 30 percent upon enactment of the bill and by 50 percent in 2015, with 5-percent incremental improvements to the 2015 code every three years thereafter. It is assumed that the codes are phased in over 5 years following State adoption, reflecting the time it takes for States to fully comply with each revision of the building code.

The HTML and PDF files have been corrected to reflect this change.