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Delta Region Transportation Development Program

Solicitation of DRTDP Program Grant Applications for FY 2010

The purpose of this message is to request applications for FY 2010 grant funding from the Delta Region Transportation Development Program (DRTDP) for projects identified by Congress. Section 1308 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) as extended, authorizes the DRTDP through February 28, 2010.

The first attachment lists the projects identified by Congress under the DRTDP Program in FY 2010. These projects were referenced in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 and specifically listed in the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the Act. Please note that the amounts listed are those in the appropriation language, but because we only have a partial year authorization, these full amounts may not be available. In addition, the amounts listed in the appropriation language exceed authorization levels. And, the DRTDP Program funding may also be reduced by the FY 2010 obligation limitation. The final award amounts are to be determined. Per Section 1308 of SAFETEA-LU, FY 2009 DRTDP Program projects are subject to eligibility requirements, and a matching requirement with a federal share of 80 percent or subject to the sliding scale [23 USC 120(b)]. The amounts identified in the first attachment would represent the applicable Federal share pending further authorization and obligation limitation.

Please work with the State to submit a DRTDP Program grant application by March 31, 2010 to Vishal Gaglani at or to Gary Jensen at To help us in preparing Congressional notification reports for the Office of the Secretary, please use the DRTDP Program grant application [see the second attachment] to provide:

1. Information sufficient for us to identify the project and expected results,
2. Information about the work to be performed sufficient for us to compare it to the appropriations language,
3. Information about the eligibility of the project, and
4. Primary contact information for each project.

Updated: 08/02/2012
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