General Information
HR Advisor
HR Advisor: Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2011

Student Teaching: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Student Teaching: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be placed with another student teacher from my school?

Yes. As long as placements are available for both students.

Can I be seen on a military facility for medical treatment or emergencies?

Student teachers should be prepared to use the medical and dental services of the host country. Military dispensaries are available to provide emergency services in some locations, but the nearest military hospital facilities may be located some distance away. If military facilities are available, a charge will be assessed for medical services. Applicants should determine whether adequate medical care is available in the country concerned prior to accepting an assignment if they have medical problems or require medication. Military dental clinics are usually only available to provide emergency services.

Can I take my car?

Not recommended. The shipment of a privately owned automobile could be an expensive and lengthy process. In addition, some locations may have restrictions on model, size, year, and country of origin of the vehicle.

Can I take my wife and kids?

No. Due to the high volume of overseas student teaching requests, housing is very limited. Housing may sometimes be shared with other students participating in the program. Also, children of student teachers are not eligible to attend DoDDS schools.

Can I work as a substitute, tutor, etc. to pay for my expenses while student teaching?

No. Your student teaching experience provides you with an opportunity to try out those skills and to apply that knowledge which has been accrued throughout several semesters of preparations. As a student teacher you will be expected to “live the teacher’s day.” This would include reporting in the morning when the regular teachers report and remaining at school until the teachers are dismissed. You may also be required to report earlier or stay later to assist with extra-curricular and professional activities or to attend faculty meetings leaving little or no time for employment outside this experience.

Can my family visit me while I’m student teaching?

Visiting restrictions may vary accordingly to each location. Your principal will be able to provide you with the information specific to your assignment location.

Do I have a choice in where I am assigned?

Most students who student teach with DoDDS are assigned to their choice of locale; however, for some curricula, they are limited to opportunities or the schools may have various reasons for not accepting requested placements. Therefore, you should be prepared to accept and alternate location. We encourage you to list in your application your top three locations of choic

Do I have to be able to speak a foreign language?

No. The DoDDS schools are responsible for educating English-speaking American children of military and civilian personnel on overseas assignments.

Do I need a visa?

You should contact the appropriate foreign consular representative before proceeding abroad in order to determine of a visa is required. If needed, allow sufficient time for processing your visa application, especially if you are applying by mail. Most foreign consular representatives are located in principal cities, and in many instances, a traveler may be required to obtain visas from the consular office in the area of his/her residence. It is the responsibility of the student teacher to obtain visas, where required, from the appropriate embassy or nearest consulate or the country you are planning to visit.

Do I need different health insurance for the overseas area?

You should contact your current health insurance company to determine if overseas coverage is included in your policy.

Do you pay student teachers?

No. Your student teaching experience with DoDDS is gratuitous service performed without benefit or expectation of compensation from the Federal Government. Student teachers are not entitled to travel, subsistence expenses, quarters, allowances, differentials, or any other reimbursement or payment in kind.

How can I apply to student teach with DoDDS?

A: In order to participate in the DoDDS Student Teaching Program you must be enrolled in a degree or teacher education program with an accredited college or university and there must be a Student Teaching Agreement between DoDDS and the college or university. Students attending one of the participating institutions need only to contact their college/university – DoDDS liaison office. If the school in not one of the participating institutions, the student can still apply, however, the university – DoDDS agreement has to be implemented prior to any student placement. The agreement outlines the responsibilities of both parties, the conditions and limitations under which the volunteer service will be provided, and the method for maintenance of attendance and performance records. In addition, your university will need to submit a complete student teaching application for each participating student. Both forms are available directly from our student teaching website: Student Teaching Forms

How long do you have to student teach?

Your college or university sets the beginning and ending dates of your student teaching assignment, outlines your attendance requirements, and the method of maintenance of your attendance records.

How much are cooperating teachers paid?

Nothing. Cooperating teachers participate in the program on a volunteer basis. Volunteer service will be uncompensated.

If my college does not have an agreement with DoDDS, how can one be established?

You will need to provide your university with a copy of the agreement as stated above. We will notify your university once approved, so that placements can be initiated.

What are the costs involved in student teaching overseas?

You must have sufficient funds for travel, lodging costs, meals, and emergencies. Total costs will vary accordingly to each location and the type of lodging accommodations

What should I bring with me?

Prior to departing, you should contact the principal or cooperating teacher of the school to which you have been assigned. They will advise you of the items you will need for traveling such as clothing and toilet articles. Additional items to include will depend on where you will be living when you arrive.

When should I apply to student teach?

Student teaching applications should be received no later than April 30th for Fall placements and no later than October 31st for Spring placements.

Where should I mail my things?

Your principal or cooperating teacher will provide you with this information once a placement is confirmed.

Who will pick me up at the airport or bus/train station?

Your principal or cooperating teacher will provide you with this information once a placement is confirmed.

Will I automatically get hired for a job if I student teach for DoDDS?

No. Student teachers should apply to compete for employment positions with all other interested applicants.

Will I have access to base facilities such as commissary, PX, etc.?

Yes. Military bases usually provide a commissary (grocery store), Base Exchange (BX) or Post Exchange (PX) (small department stores). Depending on the size of the post or base, these facilities may range from small combined commissary and BX/PX to large facilities resembling American supermarkets ad department stores.