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2009 PAR Header

United States
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Fiscal Year 2009
Performance and Accountability Report

Our Vision

A strong and prosperous nation secured
through a fair and inclusive workplace.

Our Mission

We promote equality of opportunity in the
workplace and enforce federal laws
prohibiting employment discrimination.

Table of Contents

A Message from the Acting Chairman

Management’s Discussion and Analysis


Agency Overview

Agency Results Under Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Related Program Results and Activities

Rebuilding Resources

Securing Unprecedented Relief through Administrative Enforcement

Managing Private Sector Charge Inventory

Mediating to Win-Win

Litigating High Impact Cases

Targeting Systemic Discrimination

Promoting EEO in the Federal Sector

Reaching, Training, and Educating Stakeholders

Drafting Regulations, Enforcement Guidance, and Technical Assistance

Increasing Access to the EEOC

Enforcing New Laws, Tackling New Challenges

Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act

Financial Highlights

Consolidated Balance Sheets

Consolidated Statements of Net Cost

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position

Combined Statements of Budgetary Resources

Use of Resources

Performance Results

Results Achieved in FY 2009 Under Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Overview of Strategic Plan and Performance Measures

Results Achieved Under Specific Performance Measures

Annual Measures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3: Processing Charges, Hearings, and Appeals

Annual Measure 2.4: Quality of Private Sector Investigations

Annual Measure 2.5: Confidence in Private Sector Mediation Program

Annual Measure 2.6: Success in Litigation

Potential FEPA Measure

Related Program Results and Activities

Private Sector Enforcement


Systemic Initiative

Federal Sector Enforcement

Outreach, Education and Technical Assistance

Special Commission Initiatives

Regulations, Enforcement Guidance and Technical Assistance Documents

Compliance with FOIA and Section 83

Agency Infrastructure and Operations

Human Resources

Information Technology

Office Space

Enhanced Public Access to EEOC

Program Evaluations

Verification and Validation of Data

Inspector General’s Statements

Summary of Significant Management Challenges

Change in EEOC Management

Strategic Management of Human Capital

Private Sector Charge Inventory

Budget and Performance Integration

State and Local Partner Performance Management

Change in Information Technology Culture and Security

Agency Compliance with FMFIA

Financial Statements

A Message From the Chief Financial Officer

Inspector General’s Audit Report

Independent Auditor’s Report

Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control With Comments

Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Limitations of the Financial Statements

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Consolidated Balance Sheets

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Consolidated Statements of Net Cost

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources>

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Appendix A: Organization and Jurisdiction

Appendix B: Biographies of the Commissioners

Stuart J. Ishimaru, Acting Chairman

Christine M. Griffin, Acting Vice Chair

Constance S. Barker, Commissioner

Naomi Churchill Earp, Former Chair

Ronald S. Cooper, Former General Counsel

Appendix C: Glossary of Acronyms

Appendix D: Internet Links

Appendix E: EEOC Field Offices


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