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Fuels and Fuel Additives

Fuels Reporting Registration

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EPA has developed a system to provide a dynamic Part 80: EPA Fuels Programs Registered Company/Facility ID List. All companies will now be required to submit new and updated registrations through CDX. Please use the registration system's user guide (PDF) (94 pp, 2.73MB, EPA-420-B-11-035, October 2011) to assist you with navigating the system. It is important to read all directions as errors may delay your registration or require you to resubmit.

Latest Fuels Programs Registrants Lists:

Please select a program:

Report due dates (excluding Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule*) are

  • Quarter 1 -May 31,
  • Quarter 2 - August 31,
  • Quarter 3 - November 30,
  • Quarter 4 - February 28.

Companies must be properly registered with CDX prior to submitting their report. EPA will not be able to accept submissions until the CDX registration process is completed and accepted. Please allow up to a month to fully set up your CDX account.

* For reporting year 2010 for the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, reports must be submitted no later than September 30, 2011.

For reporting years 2011 and beyond, reports must be submitted no later than March 31 of each calendar year for the GHG emissions in the previous calendar year. The designated representative and any alternate designated representative must be properly registered with CDX and have submitted a Certificate of Representation at least 60 days prior to the reporting deadline. Delegation by designated representative and alternate designated representative per 40 CFR 98.4(m) may be submitted at any time.

Common Errors to Avoid:

  1. Not downloading and/or reading the user guide (PDF) (94 pp, 2.71MB, EPA-420-B-11-035, October 2011)
  2. Failing to complete the entire registration process. Please make sure to follow through on each step. The following mistakes are frequent causes of registration problems for new users:
    • Forgetting to mail the forms after printing them. EPA must receive the forms in order to approve the submission.
    • Neglecting to click the “Submit” button after printing the forms. You will see a “submission success” screen when you complete this action. If you do not see the screen it means that EPA has not received your submission and cannot process it.
  3. Missing signatures. All forms and any applicable required letters must be signed by a Responsible Corporate Officer. The only exception is the digital signature agreement for CDX Submitters which must be signed by the individual who will be submitting reports to EPA.
  4. Recreating a company that is already registered. To update information for a company that is already registered, you must “associate” the new user information with your existing company profile. Do not create a new company registration.
  5. Improperly identifying your system roles. After associating with a company, you must select the initial roles for yourself. If you do not, then you will not be able to do anything in the system.
  6. Selecting incorrect business activities or program types. If you are only registering for the Renewable Fuels Standard (and do not produce gasoline, diesel, or renewable fuel) then the only business activity you may select is “RIN owner.” For example, do not select “Oxygenate Blender” unless you are required to under Title 40 CFR part 80.76. Furthermore, if you do not produce nor import gasoline, do not select the “Gasoline” program type unless you are required to under Title 40 CFR § 80.76. Each business activity and program type pertains to specific programs. You should understand what you are registering for and signing.
  7. Missing key identifications. Biodiesel producers must select the Diesel program type in addition to the RFS program to demonstrate that you understand you are regulated under both programs. In addition, you must select Biodiesel Producer/Importer, Refiner, and Biodiesel Producer.
  8. Failing to provide facility information. If you select the Gasoline or Diesel program types you must have a corresponding facility. In addition if you select Renewable Fuel Producer/Importer you must register a facility.

    IMPORTANT! Before mailing your submission package, please read every form and follow all instructions!

Once registration is complete, please sign and mail forms to:

Mail completed form to:
US Mail:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs Registration (6406J)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
Commercial Delivery:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs Registration
Room 647C, 202-343-9038
1310 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Be aware that sending forms via US Mail will require an irradiation process and could possibly delay delivery.

If you have questions or request information, please contact the appropriate support or help line found on the Support & Help page.

Please visit EPA's Transportation and Air Quality web-based repository of mobile source documents, Document Index System (DIS). This searchable repository contains regulations, Federal Register notices, policy letters, and guidance documents.

Please visit our Related Links page for other fuel related information within EPA, other U.S. Agencies, and other fuel related websites.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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