U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice 	Programs; National Institute of Justice The Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice ProgramsNational Institute of JusticeThe Research, Development, and Evaluation Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice
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Selected Bibliography

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The Selected Bibliography is a list of the writings that have been used in the assemblage of the training program and is not a complete record of all the works and sources consulted. It is a compilation of the substance and range of readings and extensive experience of the subject matter experts.

  1. AFTE Criteria for Identification Committee. 1992. Theory of identification, range striae comparison reports and modified glossary definitions – AFTE criteria for identification committee report. AFTE J 24 (2): 336-340.
  2. AFTE. 1998. Theory of identification as it relates to toolmarks. AFTE J 30 (1): 86.
  3. Biasotti, A., and J. Murdock. 1984. Criteria for identification in firearms and toolmark identification. AFTE J 16 (4): 16-24.
  4. Biasotti, A., and J.E. Murdock. 1997. Firearms and toolmark identification: Legal issues and scientific status. In Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testimony, ed D.L. Faigman, D.H. Kay, M.J. Saks, and J. Sanders, 124 – 151. St Paul: West Publishing Co.
  5. Brackett, J. 1970. A study of idealized striated marks and their comparisons using models. J of Forensic Sci Soc 10 (1): 27-56.
  6. Butcher, S., and D. Pugh. 1975. A study of marks made by bolt cutters. J of Forensic Sci Soc  15, (2): 115-126.
  7. Collins, R., and R.S. Stone. 2005. How “unique” are impressed toolmarks? – An empirical study of 20 worn hammer faces. AFTE J 37 (4): 252-295.
  8. Davis, J.E. 1958. Introduction to Tool Marks, Firearms and the Striagraph. Springfield: Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd.
  9. Ernest, R. 1991. Toolmarks in cartilage revisited. AFTE J 23 (4): 958-959.
  10. Galan, J. 1986. Identification of a knife wound in bone. AFTE J 18 (4): 72-75.
  11. Hall, J. 1992. Consecutive cuts by bolt cutters and their effect on identification. AFTE J 24 (3): 260-272.
  12. Hatcher, J. 1935. Textbook of Firearms Investigation, Identification and Evidence. Plantersville: Small-Arms Technical Publishing Co.
  13. Hatcher, J. 1947. Hatcher’s Notebook. Harrisburg: Military Service Publishing Co.
  14. Hatcher, J.S, F.J. Jury, and J. Weller. 1957. Firearms Investigation, Identification, and Evidence. Harrisburg: Stackpole Books.
  15. Kockel, R. 1980. About the appearance of clues or marks from knife blades. AFTE J 12 (3): 16-28.
  16. Locke, R. 2006. Characteristics of knife cuts in tires. AFTE J 38 (1): 56-65.
  17. May, L. 1930. The identification of knives, tools, and instruments: A positive science. Am J of Police Sci 1 (3): 246-259.
  18. Miller, J., and M. McLean. 1998. Criteria for identification of toolmarks. AFTE J 30 (1): 15-61.
  19. Miller, J. 2000. Criteria for identification of toolmarks – Part II. AFTE J 32 (2): 116-131.
  20. Miller, J., and G. Beach. 2005. Toolmarks: Examining the possibility of subclass characteristics. AFTE J 37 (4): 296-345.
  21. Moran, B. 2003. Photo documentation of toolmark identification – An argument in support. AFTE J 35 (2): 174-189.
  22. Nichols, R. 2003. Consecutive matching striations (CMS): Its definition, study and application in the discipline of firearms and toolmark identification. AFTE J 35 (3): 298-306. 
  23. Stone, R. 2003. How unique are impressed toolmarks? AFTE J 35 (4): 376-383.
  24. Thompson, E., and R. Wyant. 2003. Knife identification project (KIP). AFTE J 35 (4): 366-370.
  25. Tomasetti, K. 2002. Analysis of the essential aspects of striated toolmark examination and the methods for identification. AFTE J 34 (3): 289-301.
  26. Walsh, K., and G. Weavers. Jan – March 2003. Toolmark Identification: Can We Determine a Criteria? INTERface – Forensic Sci Soc News Letter 29
  27. Watson, D. 1979. The identification of toolmarks from consecutively manufactured knife blades in soft plastic. AFTE J 10 (3): 43-45.

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