X-Ray Scattering Group


Scientific Staff
Support Staff
Mailing Address
X-Ray Group Alumni

Scientific Staff

John Hill
John Hill (Group leader)
Office 1-10 ph: (631) 344 3736
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Simon Billinge Office 1-29 ph: (631) 344 5661
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Stuart Wilkins Stuart Wilkins Office 1-26 ph: (631) 344 2851
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Stuart Wilkins Milinda Abeykoon Office 1-21 ph: (631) 344 2915
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Stuart Wilkins Emil Bozin Office 1-26 ph: (631) 344 4963
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Stuart Wilkins Mark Dean Office 1-19 ph: (631) 344 2713
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Stuart Wilkins Xuerong Liu Office 1-19 ph: (631) 344 2713
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Mirian photo Mirian Garcia-Fernandez Office: 1-21 ph: (631) 344 2915
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Kevin photo Kevin Knox Office: 1-29 ph: (631) 344 5661
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Support Staff

Scott Coburn Bill Leonhardt (Engineer) Office: 1-2 ph: (631) 344 2378
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Arlene Rementer Arlene Rementer (Secretary) Office: 1-9 ph: (631) 344 3827
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Bill Schoenig Bill Schoenig (Technician) Office: 1-227 ph: (631) 344 2377
fax: (631) 344 2739
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Mailing address

  Physics Department, Bldg 510B
Brookhaven National Lab
Upton, NY 11973-5000
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 X-ray Group Alumni

  Raanan Tobey University of Groningen
  Josh Turner LCLS  
  Mary Upton Argonne National Lab  
  Julian Baumert    
  Yuguang Cai University of Kentucky  
  Antonio Checco Soft Matter Group, BNL  
  Scott Coburn NSLSII, BNL  
  Elaine DiMasi NSLS, BNL  
  Oleg Gang CFN, BNL  
  Doon Gibbs Deputy Director, BNL  
  Stephane Grenier CNRS  
  Young-June Kim University of Toronto  
  Michael Lefenfeld    
  Tianbo Liu Lehigh University  
  Guang Liu    
  Olaf Magnussen    
  Christie Nelson NSLS, BNL  
  Ben Ocko Soft Matter Group, BNL  
  Kazuhisa Tamura    
  Jessica Thomas Physical Review  
  Tom Thurston    
  Assunta Vigiliante    
  Yusuke Wakabayashi Photon Factory  
  Jia Wang    
  Gavin Watson    
  Hubert Zajonz Max Planck  
  Martin von Zimmermann HASYLAB at DESY  
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Last Modified: July 12, 2012
Please forward all questions about this site to: Stuart Wilkins