/* This SAS program will make a SAS DATASET from the GEO Header Segment */ /* User will have to modify the libname,data and infile statements to conform to his environment*/ /* */ libname xxx 'the location of the files on your computer'; data xxx.mheader; infile 'the location of the files on your computer\msgeo2010.pl' lrecl = 500 missover pad; INPUT @1 FILEID $6. /*File Identification*/ @7 STUSAB $2. /*State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)*/ @9 SUMLEV $3. /*Summary Level*/ @12 GEOCOMP $2. /*Geographic Component*/ @14 CHARITER $3. /*Characteristic Iteration*/ @17 CIFSN $2. /*Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number*/ @19 LOGRECNO $7. /*Logical Record Number*/ @26 REGION $1. /*Region*/ @27 DIVISION $1. /*Division*/ @28 STATE $2. /*State (FIPS)*/ @30 COUNTY $3. /*County*/ @33 COUNTYCC $2. /*FIPS County Class Code*/ @35 COUNTYSC $2. /*County Size Code*/ @37 COUSUB $5. /*County Subdivision (FIPS)*/ @42 COUSUBCC $2. /*FIPS County Subdivision Class Code*/ @44 COUSUBSC $2. /*County Subdivision Size Code*/ @46 PLACE $5. /*Place (FIPS)*/ @51 PLACECC $2. /*FIPS Place Class Code*/ @53 PLACESC $2. /*Place Size Code*/ @55 TRACT $6. /*Census Tract*/ @61 BLKGRP $1. /*Block Group*/ @62 BLOCK $4. /*Block*/ @66 IUC $2. /*Internal Use Code*/ @68 CONCIT $5. /*Consolidated City (FIPS)*/ @73 CONCITCC $2. /*FIPS Consolidated City Class Code*/ @75 CONCITSC $2. /*Consolidated City Size Code*/ @77 AIANHH $4. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (Census)*/ @81 AIANHHFP $5. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (FIPS)*/ @86 AIANHHCC $2. /*FIPS American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Class Code*/ @88 AIHHTLI $1. /*American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator*/ @89 AITSCE $3. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)*/ @92 AITS $5. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS)*/ @97 AITSCC $2. /*FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code*/ @99 TTRACT $6. /*Tribal Census Tract*/ @105 TBLKGRP $1. /*Tribal Block Group*/ @106 ANRC $5. /*Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)*/ @111 ANRCCC $2. /*FIPS Alaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code*/ @113 CBSA $5. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area*/ @118 CBSASC $2. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Size Code*/ @120 METDIV $5. /*Metropolitan Division*/ @125 CSA $3. /*Combined Statistical Area*/ @128 NECTA $5. /*New England City and Town Area*/ @133 NECTASC $2. /*New England City and Town Area Size Code*/ @135 NECTADIV $5. /*New England City and Town Area Division*/ @140 CNECTA $3. /*Combined New England City and Town Area*/ @143 CBSAPCI $1. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Principal City Indicator*/ @144 NECTAPCI $1. /*New England City and Town Area Principal City Indicator*/ @145 UA $5. /*Urban Area*/ @150 UASC $2. /*Urban Area Size Code*/ @152 UATYPE $1. /*Urban Area Type*/ @153 UR $1. /*Urban/Rural*/ @154 CD $2. /*Congressional District (111th)*/ @156 SLDU $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 1)*/ @159 SLDL $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 1)*/ @162 VTD $6. /*Voting District*/ @168 VTDI $1. /*Voting District Indicator*/ @169 RESERVE2 $3. /*Reserved*/ @172 ZCTA5 $5. /*ZIP Code Tabulation Area (5 digit)*/ @177 SUBMCD $5. /*Subminor Civil Division (FIPS)*/ @182 SUBMCDCC $2. /*FIPS Subminor Civil Division Class Code*/ @184 SDELM $5. /*School District (Elementary)*/ @189 SDSEC $5. /*School District (Secondary)*/ @194 SDUNI $5. /*School District (Unified)*/ @199 AREALAND $14. /*Area (Land)*/ @213 AREAWATR $14. /*Area (Water)*/ @227 NAME $90. /*Area Name-Legal/Statistical Area Description (LSAD) Term-Part Indicator*/ @317 FUNCSTAT $1. /*Functional Status Code*/ @318 GCUNI $1. /*Geographic Change User Note Indicator*/ @319 POP100 $9. /*Population Count (100%)*/ @328 HU100 $9. /*Housing Unit Count (100%)*/ @337 INTPTLAT $11. /*Internal Point (Latitude)*/ @348 INTPTLON $12. /*Internal Point (Longitude)*/ @360 LSADC $2. /*Legal/Statistical Area Description Code*/ @362 PARTFLAG $1. /*Part Flag*/ @363 RESERVE3 $6. /*Reserved*/ @369 UGA $5. /*Urban Growth Area*/ @374 STATENS $8. /*State (ANSI)*/ @382 COUNTYNS $8. /*County (ANSI)*/ @390 COUSUBNS $8. /*County Subdivision (ANSI)*/ @398 PLACENS $8. /*Place (ANSI)*/ @406 CONCITNS $8. /*Consolidated City (ANSI)*/ @414 AIANHHNS $8. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (ANSI)*/ @422 AITSNS $8. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (ANSI)*/ @430 ANRCNS $8. /*Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANSI)*/ @438 SUBMCDNS $8. /*Subminor Civil Division (ANSI)*/ @446 CD113 $2. /*Congressional District (113th)*/ @448 CD114 $2. /*Congressional District (114th)*/ @450 CD115 $2. /*Congressional District (115th)*/ @452 SLDU2 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 2)*/ @455 SLDU3 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 3)*/ @458 SLDU4 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 4)*/ @461 SLDL2 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 2)*/ @464 SLDL3 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 3)*/ @467 SLDL4 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 4)*/ @470 AIANHHSC $2. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Size Code*/ @472 CSASC $2. /*Combined Statistical Area Size Code*/ @474 CNECTASC $2. /*Combined NECTA Size Code*/ @476 MEMI $1. /*Metropolitan Micropolitan Indicator*/ @477 NMEMI $1. /*NECTA Metropolitan Micropolitan Indicator*/ @478 PUMA $5. /*Public Use Microdata Area*/ @483 RESERVED $18. /*Reserved*/; run;