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Welcome to the homepage of The American Finance Association (AFA): the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.


AFA News:

NEW! AFA History Project Videos of interviews with Kenneth Arrow, Eugene Fama and Fred Weston have been added to those with Harry Markowitz, Robert Merton,  Paul Samuelson, Myron Scholes, William Sharpe and Jack Treynor and are available on History of Finance page. Also, the AFA and the Finance Department at the Fisher College of Business, OSU have cooperated in producing a series of lectures on the History of Financial Thought. Currently available videos include Perry Mehrling on Fischer Black, Stewart Myers on Corporate Finance in the 1970's, Maureen O'Hara on Market Microstructure and Mark Rubinstein on Great Moments in Financial Economics: The Hidden History.

AEA Continuing Education The AEA will be holding three Continuing Education Programs immediately following the ASSA meetings this year. Each of these programs has some relevance to finance: time-series econometrics, behavioral economics, and financial economics. At this point, the sessions are about half full, which is comparable to last year, when they sold out shortly before the end of registration. The programs are described at

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Meetings, Conferences, and Research Support:

NEW! April 8, 2010 - April 10, 2010 SunTrust- FSU Spring Beach Conference
Institution: Florida State University
For more information click here

NEW! April 9, 2010 2010 Corporate Governance Academic Conference- CALL FOR PAPERS
Institution: Drexel University
For more information click here

NEW! March 18, 2010 - March 19, 2010 9th Annual Darden International Finance Conference
Institution: Darden Business School, University of Virginia
For more information click here

NEW! May 11, 2010 - May 12, 2010 27th Spring Conference of the French Finance Association
Institution: University of Rennes 1's Graduate School of Business Administration & ESC Rennes School of Business
For more information click here

NEW! April 15, 2010 - April 17, 2010 EFM Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital
Institution: CIRANO Montreal, CMBOR Nottingham University Business School, and Schulich School of Business
For more information click here

NEW! June 3, 2010 - June 4, 2010 Financial Stability Conference 2010: Call for Papers
Institution: Tilburg University
For more information click here

November 14, 2009 - November 15, 2009 International Conference on Global trends in the Efficiency and Risk Management of Financial Services and the Financial Crisis
Institution: University of Leicester
For more information click here

Institution: Tilburg University -- European Banking Center
For more information click here

May 27, 2010 - May 28, 2010 Second Paris Spring Corporate Finance Conference
Institution: HEC Paris and U. Paris-Dauphine
For more information click here

June 29, 2010 - July 2, 2010 Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) 2010 International Conference
Institution: The Asian Finance Association (AsianFA)
For more information click here

April 22, 2010 - April 24, 2010 CALL FOR PAPERS:EFM 2010 Symposium on ASIAN FINANCE
Institution: Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
For more information click here

May 26, 2010 - May 28, 2010 1st World Finance Conference
Institution: ESCE.IPVC
For more information click here

November 30, 2009 - December 2, 2009 2009 Strategies and Risk Analysis International Conference
Institution: Institute of Strategies and Analysis of Risk (ISTAR), NIDA Business School, Bangkok Thailand & Center for the Analysis of Risk and Optimisation Modelling Application (CARISMA), Brunel University, London UK
For more information click here

August 1, 2009 - January 31, 2010 REDESIGN Retirement System
Institution: the iOme Challenge
For more information click here

July 1, 2010 - July 3, 2010 7th AFE Conference
For more information click here

June 10, 2010 - June 11, 2010 Call for papers - ESSEC Private Equity Second Annual Conference
Institution: ESSEC Business School
For more information click here

January 28, 2010 - January 29, 2010 Conference on Hedge Funds
Institution: SGAM AI and CREST
For more information click here

December 7, 2009 - December 9, 2009 Conference
Institution: UPAEP/UCR/EARTH
For more information click here

December 16, 2009 - December 18, 2009 The 22nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference and Special Issue of the Journal of Banking & Finance
Institution: The Australian School of Business
For more information click here

Call for Papers: Afro Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting
Institution: University of Bahrain
For more information click here

December 12, 2009 - December 13, 2009 Call for Papers:The 5th International Conference on Asian Financial Markets
Institution: Nagasaki University
For more information click here

December 17, 2009 - December 18, 2009 Call for Papers: 7th Paris Finance International Meeting
Institution: Eurofidai - AFFI
For more information click here

XVII Finance Forum
Institution: IESE/AEFIN
For more information click here

December 12, 2009 - December 13, 2009 Financial Research Association 2009 Meeting
Institution: Financial Research Association
For more information click here

Call for Papers - IREF Special Issue
Institution: International Review of Economics and Finance
For more information click here

January 13, 2010 - January 14, 2010 Campus for Finance - Research Conference
Institution: Campus for Finance e.V.
For more information click here

May 31, 2010 - June 6, 2010 6th Conference on Actuarial Finance
Institution: University of the Aegean, Department of Statistics and Actuarial -Financial Mathematics
For more information click here

Institution: Eurofidai - AFFI
For more information click here

NBER/Sloan Working Group: The Functioning of Financial Firms and the Resolution of their Distress - call for papers
Institution: National Bureau of Economic Research
For more information click here

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Annual Meeting:

The 2010 Annual Meeting will be held January 3-5, 2010 (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) in Atlanta, GA with John H. Cochrane as Program Chair. The AFA sessions will be held in the Atlanta Hilton Hotel. To view the 2010 AFA Program, click here. Links to the sites for meeting and hotel registration are available at the ASSA site .


Forthcoming Articles
  Stapled Finance
  Paul Povel and Rajdeep Singh
  Do Buyouts (Still) Create Value?
  Shourun Guo, Edith S. Hotchkiss, and Weihong Song
  Disagreement and Learning: Dynamic Patterns of Trade
  Snehal Banerjee and Ilan Kremer
  Does Credit Competition Affect Small-Firm Finance?
  Tara Rice and Philip E. Strahan
  Financial Strength and Product Market Behavior: The Real Effects of Corporate Cash Holdings
  Laurent Frésard
  The Effect of SOX Section 404: Costs, Earnings Quality and Stock Prices
  Peter Iliev
  A Gap-Filling Theory of Corporate Debt Maturity Choice
  Robin M. Greenwood, Samuel Hanson, Jeremy C. Stein
  Leverage Choice and Credit Spread when Managers Risk Shift
  Murray D. Carlson and Ali Lazrak
  The Political Economy of Financial Regulation: Evidence from U.S. State Usury Laws in the 19th Century
  Efraim Benmelech and Tobias J. Moskowitz
  A Better Three-Factor Model That Explains More Anomalies
  Long Chen and Lu Zhang
  Networking as a Barrier to Entry and the Competitive Supply of Venture Capital
  Yael V. Hochberg, Alexander Ljungqvist, and Yang Lu
  The Interdependent and Intertemporal Nature of Financial Decisions: an Application to Cash Flow Sensitivities
  Vladimir Gatchev, Todd Pulvino, and Vefa Tarhan
  Performance and Persistence in Institutional Investment Management
  Jeffrey A. Busse, Amit Goyal, and Sunil Wahal
  Information and Incentives Inside the Firm: Evidence from Loan Officer Rotation
  Andrew Hertzberg, Jose Maria Liberti, and Daniel Paravisini
  Mutual Fund Incubation
  Richard B. Evans
  Do Bonds Span Volatility Risk in the U.S. Treasury Market? A Specification Test for Affine Term Structure Models
  Torben G. Andersen and Luca Benzoni
  Generalized Disappointment Aversion and Asset Prices
  Bryan R. Routledge and Stanley E. Zin
  Information Quality and Long-Run Risk: Asset Pricing Implications
  Hengjie Ai
  Corporate Political Contributions and Stock Returns
  Michael J. Cooper, Huseyin Gulen, and Alexei V. Ovtchinnikov
  A Habit-Based Explanation of the Exchange Rate Risk Premium
  Adrien Verdelhan

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LAST UPDATED > Tuesday, September 15 2009 @ 10:49:44 PST Back to top