Indian Affairs | Prevention

Wildfire Prevention and Education 

The Bureau of Indian Affairs and Tribal Wildfire Prevention programs across the country provide leadership, training and guidance to develop strategies to reduce the number of human caused fires on Indian Reservations.  Prevention program staff work closely with tribal leaders and communities to:

  • Implement reservation wide burn permit systems 
  • Raise public awareness regarding human caused fires
  • Develop community wildfire protection plans
  • Invite community involvement to mitigate wildfire activity
  • Implement youth fire setter intervention programs
  • Conduct origin and cause wildfire investigations
  • Develop or revise Tribal Law and Order Codes pertaining to wildfire crimes.            
  • Develop trespass cases from resource damaging wildfires


Targeting Arson

The largest fire in Indian Country history, the Rodeo-Chediski, was an intentionally set wildfire. This fire burned across 450,000 acres, destroyed more than 400 structures and cost over $100 million dollars to put out. The damages done tribal resources will last for generations and can not be measured.

The BIA and the tribes are especially concerned with how to deal with these fires because arson is the main source of wildfires in Indian Country. All citizens deserve to have a safe, fire-free community. That is why the BIA teamed up with WeTip, a national non-profit organization that offers a 24/7 telephone tip hotline (1-800-472-7766) for people to report information anonymously. A financial reward up to $10,000 is available to those who provide information that leads to proper adjudication of criminal activity associated with wildfires. To learn more about the WeTip program, visit

If you or anyone you know has information pertaining to suspicious wildfires occurring on or near Indian Lands, call 1-800-472-7766 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to confidentially report your information.

Arson is not a part of Indian Culture! It is a crime against Indian people.