[Federal Register: May 29, 1997 (Volume 62, Number 103)]
[Page 29107-29108]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Chicago Board of Trade Futures Contracts in Corn and Soybeans;
Notice That Delivery Point Specifications Must Be Amended

AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

ACTION: Notice of public meeting.


TIME AND DATE: 2:00-5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 12, 1997.

PLACE: 1155 21st St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Lobby Level Hearing Room
located at Room 1000.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (``Commission'') will convene a public meeting at which the
Chicago Board of Trade (``CBT'') and interested members of the public
may appear before it to give oral and written statements relating to
the Commission's consideration of amendments proposed by the CBT to the
delivery specifications of the CBT corn and soybean futures contracts.

ADDRESSES: Requests to appear and statements of interest should be
mailed to the Commodity Futures Trading Commissions, Three Lafayette
Centre, 1155 21 Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20581, attention Office
of the Secretariat; transmitted by facsimile at (202) 418-5521; or
transmitted electronically to [secretary@cftc.gov]. Reference should be
made to ``Delivery Specifications Meeting.''

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul M. Architzel, Chief Counsel,
Division of Economic Analysis, Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20581,
(202) 418-5260, or electronically, [PArchitzel@cftc.gov].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: By letter dated May 8, 1997, the CBT
requested an opportunity to appear before the

[[Page 29108]]

Commission in connection with the Commission's consideration of
amendments to the delivery specifications of the corn and soybean
futures contracts proposed by the CBT. The proposed amendments were
submitted in response to a notification to the CBT by the Commission
finding that those contracts no longer meet the statutory requirements
of section 5a(a)(10) of the Commodity Exchange Act. 61 F.R. 67998
(December 26, 1996). The Commission has requested comment from
interested members of the public on issues raised by the proposed
amendments. The comment period will remain open until June 16, 1997. 62
FR 19992 (April 24, 1997).
    The Commission is of the view that, in addition to the receipt of
written comments, an opportunity for the CBT and interested members of
the public to appear before it will assist it in its consideration of
these issues and is in the public interest. Accordingly, the Commission
will convene a public meeting on June 12, 1997, for that purpose.
    In its request for comment, 62 FR 12156 (March 14, 1997), the
Commission described the four alternatives included in the original
section 5a(a)(10) notification to the CBT and the CBT's proposed
amendments to the contracts' delivery specifications. The Commission
also posed a number of questions. 62 FR at 12158. Persons appearing
before the Commission are invited specifically to address those
questions and to provide relevant factual data.
    All individuals or organizations wishing to appear before the
Commission should submit to the Commission at the above address, by
June 5, 1997, a concise statement of interest and qualifications and a
brief summary or abstract of the content of his or her statement. The
Commission will invite a representative number of individuals or
organizations to appear from those submitting such statements. A
transcription of the meeting will be made and entered into the
Commission's public comment files, which as noted above, will remain
open for the receipt of written comment until June 16, 1997.

    Issued in Washington, D.C., this 22nd day of May 1997.

    By the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Jean A. Webb,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 97-14038 Filed 5-28-97; 8:45 am]

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