NOUS41 KWBC 031626
Service Change Notice 11-07
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
1025 AM EST Thu Feb 3 2011
TO:          Subscribers:
             -Family of Services
             -NOAA Weather Wire Service
             -Emergency Manager Weather Information Network
             Other NWS partners and NWS employees
FROM:        Therese Z. Pierce
             Chief, Marine and Coastal Services Branch 
SUBJECT:     Changes to the Hurricane Local Statement  
             Format Issued by Weather Forecast Offices for
             Tropical Cyclones in the Atlantic and Eastern
             Pacific Hurricane Basins: Effective May 15, 2011
REFERENCE:   SCN 11-08 issued February 3, 2011: Changes to
             Watches and Warnings issued by Weather Forecast 
             Offices for tropical cyclones in the Atlantic 
             and Eastern Pacific hurricane basins: 
             Effective May 15, 2011
The overall format of the HLS initially adopted in 2009, with an
Overview block followed by Tropical Cyclone Watch/Warning Valid
Time Event Code (VTEC) segments, remains the same for 2011; 
however, in response to feedback received in 2010 to increase 
product consistency and decrease length, the following changes 
will be made to the Hurricane Local Statement (HLS) products 
issued by NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs):
1.  The Overview block of the HLS becomes mandatory. 
2.  Following the HLS product headline(s), the Overview block 
will begin with a mandatory NEW INFORMATION section header.  All 
other section headers in the Overview block become mandatory and 
will be placed in the same order within the product.  Optional 
sections will not be included in the Overview block. 
3.  The possible watches and warnings in the VTEC segments (and 
associated VTEC event names and phenomena codes) of the HLS 
will change effective May 15, 2011.  For additional information, 
please see SCN 11-08.
4.  Associated VTEC Event Tracking Numbers (ETNs) will be 
unified for all tropical cyclone watches and warnings for inland 
(public), coastal (public) and marine zones for a given event.
In short, if the National Hurricane Center (NHC) issues a
Tropical Cyclone Valid Time Event Code (TCV) product, the ETN in 
the product will be the same in all tropical cyclone watches and 
warnings issued by the WFO in the HLS products.
5.  If the NHC issues a Tropical Cyclone Public Advisory (TCP) 
product, not a TCV, and the WFO issues tropical cyclone watches 
and warnings for marine zones only, the ETN is assigned from the 
cyclone number in the coded string at the end of the Issuing 
Office Line in the National Center’s TCP. An example of the 
Issuing Office Line with a coded string follows:

In this example, the cyclone number is 07.
6.  The NEW INFORMATION section header in the VTEC segments 
changes from mandatory to optional.  Other section headers 
remain optional. 

There are no changes to HLS product issuance criteria, WMO

headers, or AWIPS identifiers.


Examples of the new HLS format for the Atlantic and Eastern

Pacific hurricane basins, to include a typical HLS example and

also an abbreviated HLS issuance (used by WFOs for the issuance

of new tropical cyclone watches and/or warnings for one or more

public or marine zones) are online at:


The changes detailed in this Service Change Notice are not

applicable to WFOs Honolulu, Hawaii; Tiyan, Guam; and Pago Pago,

American Samoa. The HLS format for 2011 for each of these WFOs

remains unchanged from the format used in 2010.


If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact:


     Timothy Schott

     National Weather Service

     Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch

     1325 East West Highway , Room 13126

     Silver Spring , Maryland   20910

     301-713-1677 x122


National Service Change Notices are online at:

