Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse, 2009-2011

Project Overview

The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation awarded a grant to ICF International to fund the launch and maintenance of the Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse (SSRC). In the initial phase, they will publicize the launch and build the clearinghouse's user base by engaging different groups of potential users and tailoring dissemination of materials to these groups. The other key tasks during the first year will be to build the clearinghouse’s collection of articles, reports, and other research products; and to draft and implement a specific plan to reach a “critical mass” of resources. A system will be put in place to determine whether research products are of sufficient quality for inclusion and to apply this system while updating the collection in a timely manner. After the initial phase, efforts to expand and deepen the resources available through the clearinghouse will continue. Web-based features that further the goal of encouraging dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners will be designed and implemented, and modifications will be made to the site to allow for interaction with other web-based initiatives such as Welfare PEERTA. The designers will be actively engaged with users of the clearinghouse in order to hone and improve the users' experience.

The point of contact is Tim Baker.