Secondary Analysis of Head Start Data, 2007-2009

Project Overview

This grant program provided funds to support secondary analysis of Head Start data from a number of Federal data sources, including the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation project, the Family and Child Experiences Survey (1997 and 2000 cohorts), the National Head Start/ Public School Early Childhood Transition Demonstration Study and the Evaluation of the Comprehensive Child Development Program.  The goal of this grant program was to utilize existing Federal Head Start data to answer questions related to program characteristics that positively influence outcomes for Head Start children and families.  Grantees received $50,000 each year for two consecutive years.  Grantees for fiscal year 2007 included SRI International, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Westat, Utah State University, Erikson Institute, New York University, Child Trends, University of Michigan, University of Maryland and Massachusetts General Hospital.