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GSA Expands Multiple Award Schedule Express Offerings with Phase II Rollout


August 16, 2007
Contact:  Viki Reath, (202) 501-1231

Five Schedule Lines Grow to Include 15 Products, Services

Washington, DC — The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Express program at the U.S. General Services Administration will triple in size, as the five product Schedules currently in place expand to include 15 product and service Schedules, the agency announced today.

Under the GSA Schedules (also referred to as Multiple Award Schedules and Federal Supply Schedules) Program, GSA establishes long-term, governmentwide contracts with commercial firms that offer more than 10 million commercial supplies and services that agencies order directly from GSA Schedule contractors, or through the GSA Advantage!® online shopping and ordering system.

"I presented GSA with a tall order, when I promised we would make these improvements,” said Administrator Lurita Doan. "I am proud to announce that during Phase I of the MAS Express Program, GSA has met the goal of awarding MAS contracts to eligible vendors in 30 days.”  In June 2006, Administrator Doan made a commitment to speed the award process, which includes the time it takes to get listed on a GSA Schedule.

The MAS Express program will expand as the program enters Phase II, with the goal of reducing the time it takes to award a MAS contract. 

MAS Express II changes enable offerors to submit electronic offers for selected Schedules via Express eOffer, eligibility criteria were simplified, and the offer review process was streamlined and standardized. The program also uses the comprehensive and mandatory education program for all vendors and the Schedule Program Express Evaluation Desk (SPEED), to consolidate intake and reviews of offers. Visit the GSA's MAS Program website for additional information.


Founded in 1949, GSA serves as a centralized procurement and property management agency for the federal government.  GSA manages more than one-fourth of the government’s total procurement dollars and influences the management of $500 billion in federal assets, including 8,300 government-owned or leased buildings and 205,000 vehicles.  GSA helps preserve our past and define our future, as a steward of more than 420 historic properties, and as manager of, the official portal to federal government information and services. GSA’s mission to provide superior workplaces, expert technology solutions, acquisition services, purchasing and eGov Travel solutions and management policies, at best value, allows federal agencies to focus on their core missions.

Did You Know?  FAS annual sales of $56 billion account for more than one-sixth of the entire federal procurement budget.

MAS rollout