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GSA Approves ORC to Operate on the ACES Contract

GSA # 9925

January 28, 2002
Contact: Mary Alice Johnson, (202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON - The U.S. General Services Administration has announced that Operational Research Consultants, Inc. (ORC), an 8(a) firm based in Alexandria, VA has received interim approval to operate on the Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES) contract. The ACES contract is managed by GSA's Federal Technology Service (FTS).

ACES is intended to provide identification, authentication, and non-repudiation via the use of digital signature technology as a means for individuals and business entities to be authenticated when accessing, retrieving, and submitting information to the government. It is a key initiative in assisting the agencies' response to such government initiatives as the Government Paperwork Elimination Act, the Government Information Security Reform Act, and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. Each ACES industry partner is required to undergo a certification and accreditation process on their ACES systems prior to receiving authority to issue digital signature certificates under this contract. ORC has completed the process and has received interim approval to operate. Final approval will be granted within approximately six months, once ORC demonstrates its continuing compliance in the operational environment.

"Operational Research Consultants is to be congratulated for receiving this approval. In so doing, ORC has fulfilled a number of strict requirements. The ACES program will be enhanced due to ORC's participation," said Sandra Bates, Commissioner of GSA's Federal Technology Service.

ORC's interim approval rounds out the field. All three ACES contractors are now authorized to issue digital signature certificates. The other two companies are Digital Signature Trust Company and AT&T.

For additional information on ACES, please visit

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