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George F. Flynn Receives Professional Award1996 John J. Franke Professional Service Award

GSA # 9354

October 25, 1996
Contact: Bill Bearden
(202) 501-1231

Mr. George F. Flynn, Director of the Center for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP), in GSA's Federal Telecommunications Service (FTS) has received the 1996 John J. Franke Professional Service Award. The Federation of Government Information Processing Councils' award is to recognize an IRM professional whose achievements exhibit the highest standards of dedication and excellence. Mr. Flynn was selected to receive the award for his outstanding achievements in NSEP productivity and delivery of service during national, regional, and local disasters and emergencies.

Mr. Flynn was nominated for his ability to consistently provide superior leadership, and technical competence to improve levels of telecommunications service delivery during major disasters and non-wartime emergencies. He has supported disasters such as Hurricane Marilyn; the Oklahoma City Bombing; the Northridge California earthquake; Hurricane Andrew; and Typhoons Iniki and Omar; whose magnitude caused catastrophic devastation; other major earthquakes; and severe storms and flooding, e.g., the Louisiana and Missouri floods.

The award was presented to Mr. Flynn by Ms. Sandra N. Bates, FTS Assistant Commissioner for Service Delivery.