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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
H.R. 2445, The State and Local Funding Flexibility Act

Chairman Kline (R-MN) has introduced the State and Local Funding Flexibility Act (H.R. 2445) to give schools the flexibility they need to innovate and best serve the needs of their students. 


The federal government currently operates a host of elementary and secondary education programs, each with their own set of strict rules dictating exactly how funds may be spent by local school leaders.   

The manner in which funding is funneled through separate streams can severely limit states’ and school districts’ ability to apply federal funds toward local education priorities and initiatives to meet the unique needs of their students.


States and local school districts should have the ability to use federal dollars on education programs that best serve the needs of their students. That’s why the House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved the State and Local Funding Flexibility Act (H.R. 2445), which will provide states and school districts maximum flexibility in the use of education funds.


  • Allows states and school districts to use funds received through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Education Jobs Fund. These funds may be used freely for activities authorized under ESEA.
  •  Brings a successful model of flexibility to every community across the country. Parents and students have benefited from the Rural Education Achievement program, a federal initiative that has provided rural schools greater control over education dollars. The State and Local Funding Flexibility Act expands the success of this program to other schools.
  • Permits states and school districts to increase funds to support K-12 education programs that meet the needs of their individual classrooms, such as extra reading instruction or additional technology. Schools would also have the option to support early intervening services authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • Removes red tape for states and school districts by allowing them to use federal funds to fulfill local education priorities. This approach builds on long-standing federal efforts to enable effective, school-wide reforms that address all students’ needs, particularly those most at-risk. 
  • Protects taxpayers by maintaining long-standing monitoring and reporting requirements, requiring a reasonable annual notification of the use of funds, and ensuring continued accountability for educational outcomes. 

The State and Local Funding Flexibility Act will help enhance our commitment to education by encouraging local innovation and flexibility. To read the full bill summary, click here. To read more about the postive impact and of this important legislation, click here.

The State and Local Funding Flexibility Act has received letters of support from several organizations, including:

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