Read and implement the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Direction to the Joint Force on Sexual Assault Prevention & Response. Command implementation of the SHARP Program aligns with this strategic direction as follows:

Mission: Commanders are to reduce—with a goal to eliminate—incidents of sexual assault through improved prevention, accountability, and victim advocacy/services at all levels in order to preserve a culture of trust and respect consistent with the Profession of Arms, the Warrior Ethos, and our core values and to maintain the health, discipline, and readiness of our Army.

End State: Commanders, leaders, and Soldiers have fully operationalized the SHARP Program across the Army—our accession commands and Service academies, across our training bases and throughout our operational commands worldwide. We have reinforced our cultural imperatives of mutual respect and trust, professional values, and team commitment that underscore a military culture and environment where sexual assault is not tolerated.

Implementing Instructions: The Army will meet the Chairman and Joint Chiefs’ intent to imbue a professional culture and command climate/ environment to reduce sexual assaults by operationalizing and synchronizing the SHARP Program across the Army, at all levels of command, both at home station and while deployed.

Commanders will operationalize sexual assault prevention and response along five Lines of Effort (LOEs) supported by five overarching tenets. The implementing LOEs of Prevention, Investigation, Accountability, Advocacy, and Assessment are reinforced by the overarching tenets of Leadership, Communication, Culture/Environment, Integration, and Resourcing.

Commanders have a responsibility to establish a command climate in which safety is promoted, where Soldiers and Army civilian employees are educated on sexual assault prevention techniques, and Soldiers and Army civilians feel free to report incidents.

Sexual assault is a unit readiness and safety risk
It corrodes unit cohesion and violates the bonds of trust among Soldiers; trust between Soldiers and leaders; trust between Soldiers, their Families, and the Army; and the trust between the Army and the American people. Sexual assault is a crime that is incompatible with Army Values, the Profession of Arms, and the Warrior Ethos. Sexual assault directly and negatively impacts readiness across the force. Take the following actions to help reduce the risk of sexual assault in your unit:

Reducing the risk of acquaintance or date rape in your unit
"Acquaintance rape," which includes date rape, refers to those rapes that occur between two or more people that know one another. "Date rape" refers to situations in which the one person has consented to go on a date with another person and that person then rapes him or her.

According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), about two-thirds of sexual assault victims in the United States knew their assailants. To help prevent acquaintance or date rape:

Deployed unit risk reduction considerations
Be especially prepared and alert in deployed environments. Deployed environments can present special risks for Army personnel: