U.S. Department of Justice

Segregation: Perils & Possibilities: How the Hampden County Sheriff's Department Transformed It's Segregation Unit [and] Segregation Transformation: Fact Sheet

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Apr. 07, 2009

Library ID

  • 023639

Other Information

  • 2009
  • 48 pages.

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  • Segregation: Perils & Possibilities: How the Hampden County Sheriff's Department Transformed It's Segregation Unit [and] Segregation Transformation: Fact Sheet

ANNOTATION: Information is provided about the transformational change experienced in the Segregation Unit of the Hampden County Sheriff's Department. The first document of this collection contains copies of overheads for a presentation about the Segregation Unit's change. Topics discussed include: historic perspective; the problem; the results; segregation's purpose; philosophy, practice, and goals; corrective action plan; plan elements; corrective action plan flow; inmate segregation orientation; eligibility for segregation programs; wellness program; T is for testing; an opening to purpose; mental health; substance abuse education; education in general; employment and vocational training; earning self control by learning impulse control; central classification; segregation is still segregation; benefits to staff; preliminary results; count in segregation drops 77%; and conclusion. The Fact Sheet covers: committee findings prompting the change; reforms; results following the change, such as a recidivism rate of 7.4% for inmates who complete segregation; and conclusion.

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