U.S. Department of Justice

Increasing Local Involvement in New Mexico Prison Reform and Offender Reentry Initiatives: Key Elements in Enhanced Public Safety and Recidivism Reduction

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: May. 15, 2012

Library ID

  • 025796

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  • 2009
  • 15 pages

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  • Increasing Local Involvement in New Mexico Prison Reform and Offender Reentry Initiatives: Key Elements in Enhanced Public Safety and Recidivism Reduction

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The focus of the Task Force was “how to increase the involvement of local communities and agencies in prison reform and reentry initiatives … Perhaps the most important recommendation is that local reentry councils should be created in key communities in the state, the councils to be comprised of government and non-government persons representing agencies and organizations with a particular expertise or interest in offender reentry and reform” (p. 2). Sections that follow an executive summary are: introduction; reentry and prison reform efforts since 2008; research, planning, and outcome measures; evidence-based practices, professional development, and community collaboration and maximization of resources; reentry and prison sustainability plan years 1-3; current challenges; Prison Reform Task Force recommendations (09/25/2009); and conclusion.

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